Hello, quick question!

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Hello, quick question!

Postby Joelshup » Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:09 am

Hello everybody just started playing your game and have to say it's very much enjoyable. I like how far it has come since the years back it was just all a concept at one time. I had recently looked and saw you guys had the game playable so I decided to try it out. I have to say it's great what you have done so far. I like to say keep up the good work and hope this really picks up later down the road.

Now that is out of the way my question is this, currently I have only played an Adept and when I was checking out the spell book I noticed that their was no tool tips to tell me what the spells did. Am I bugged or has there been no tool tips implemented yet for the Adept or any other class? Also is it possible to have some sort of glossary in place on the site or a wiki page to list all the spells out and describe what they do? So at least I or any other person knows what spell does what, thanks.
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Re: Hello, quick question!

Postby Joe M. » Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:53 am

The tooltips for the spells have not yet been filled in. They will be soon enough, but in the meantime ask around in-game or on the forums, or beat up on Skellie to figure out what they do.
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Re: Hello, quick question!

Postby Karl G. » Tue Sep 15, 2009 1:38 pm

Hi Joel,

Thanks for the support!

Short answer to your question: we're working on it :)

In order to get a release out before going back to school, we had to cut a few corners. Tooltips and full explanation of the spells was one thing that didn't make it in. However, expect such explanatory text for beta (coming soon!)
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Re: Hello, quick question!

Postby Joelshup » Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:52 pm

Ok thanks for the reply, I just wanted to make sure.
Shupter - Warrior [35 - FIRST]
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