Crash: Portal/Guard

Server is down and I believe I know why. It happened exactly when I ported a now evil player to the ancient lands as a guard was chasing him. When he went in, the guard flipped out and started speeding around the square, and then the server crashed. BTW, that play (forgot name) got killed many times, because he kept spawning at square. It was really unfair to him, he probably has a huge penalty and lost all his gear
Edit for clarity: I think when the guard tried to attack him in a totally isolated land, he bugged.
2nd Edit for relevant information: Before the server crashed, since I've logged on today and probably before, it was having a bad case of lag spikes. The game would freeze up for 1-2 seconds and then resume. 2 others confirmed the same problem in global chat. Another complained of just "lag" at square. Any1 else experience this only recently?

Edit for clarity: I think when the guard tried to attack him in a totally isolated land, he bugged.
2nd Edit for relevant information: Before the server crashed, since I've logged on today and probably before, it was having a bad case of lag spikes. The game would freeze up for 1-2 seconds and then resume. 2 others confirmed the same problem in global chat. Another complained of just "lag" at square. Any1 else experience this only recently?