Hi, my name is David and I have nothing to do

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Hi, my name is David and I have nothing to do

Postby David T. » Sat May 26, 2007 11:52 pm


PV isn't something I really want to become involved with. Unfortunately I have no desire to play or develop a game based upon Xenimus. In addition, I still don't know how to get my models to work.

I've discovered some more low-poly modeling ability. It would come in handy here. But the problems with modeling programs, my models, and the game engine are definitely keeping me at a distance here.

But that's business talk.

What have you all been up to? Just PV? Working? What's up?
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David T.
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Postby Joe M. » Sat Jun 02, 2007 5:08 am

Hey, Dave! Good to hear from you again!

I've been back from school for about three weeks now. Yay summer! I've mostly been working my tail off up at Blue Mesa in Southlake, waiting tables. In my free time, I've been reading Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer, and Alex and I bought ourselves a modest home studio--so if you still have those drums...

How did school end up for you? You working this summer?
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Postby Karl G. » Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:01 am

Hey David! I can understand your not wanting to work on a Xenimus game, but I'll just throw out there that we could really use a modeler who knows what the heck he's doing. We are really only looking for nicer (but still trashy low-poly) Xen-replacement models anyway. Plus, I've found a new way to animate models that works 100% of the time. It's called CharacterFX: http://www.insanesoftware.de/index.php?page=cfx/downloads.php

I'm hoping to get more projects started up soon--the CORE game for example, and a few web-based projects. Perhaps you have some ideas too?

Personally, I've been doing research up in Ithaca on miniature spider robotics. I'm living in an abandoned frat house with some of my college friends--it's a pretty sweet deal. What have you been up to?
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