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Version 1.11 Download [LATEST]

Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:09 am
by Karl G.'s items were deleted in this update. This was necessary because I completely revamped the way items are handled on the server. Duping should be impossible.
Okay everyone, it's finally here! Tons of stuff updated in this patch. Please tell me when you find bugs; a lot of them should be fixed. Also, press 'B' to access the bazaar

Here's a list of changes I can think of off the top of my head:
- Very basic bazaar is implemented. You can list up to 16 items for sale. I plan to have things like sort by item type in the future, but for now I just want it to work
- Monsters drop a gold
- Monster and player speeds adjusted properly
- Press "L" to bring up the chat box
- Massively recolored everything
- New main screen with snazzy background
- Chatting with other players in the world now uses the good ol' xenimus font
- You can now simply click to drop/move items (instead of select + click a button)
Some things that are bugs that I know about:
- Having the player chat log up while bringing up another dialog box doesn't close the chat log
- Player movement is a little seems you move a step or two past where you want to go when you move.
- Monsters spawn in weird areas. I know how it's happening, but it's not mission critical so I haven't fixed it yet.
- Map allows you to travel outside its boundaries into the "void"
- I think sound got turned off somehow (at least it doesn't play on my computer)
- The stats screen is messed up. You can't add ability points anymore. I need to redo that screen completely anyway--it was just thrown together at the last minute many updates ago.
- To see how much gold you have, you have to open the bazaar. I think this should display in your inventory as well.
Re: Version 1.11 Download [LATEST]

Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:29 am
by Draco
Downloading to try it now.
1st Attempt: Game crashed - Debug log posted: #debug - Sun Nov 09 09'36'12 2008.txt
Gameplay initiated.
Was able to kill a few bugs with a crossbow.
Able to buy a barbed club from the bazaar.
Couldn't delete a character.
Game seemed to be lagging bad for a bit.
Shortly after lag, game crashed.
Config.ini f1=0 true- Code: Select all
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Startup"
.\statestartup.cpp(24): [INFO] win32-cwd: C:\Program Files\Evidyon
.\statestartup.cpp(26): [INFO] subsys-cwd: C:\Program Files\Evidyon
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(108): [INFO] Using "Intel(R) 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller"
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(187): [WARNING] This computer's hardware doesn't support indexed blended animation; using software device to compensate
.\acquireresources.cpp(96): [INFO] TODO: Make sure the media file is the correct type
.\acquireresources.cpp(954): [INFO] Max vetex blend matrices: 4
.\acquireresources.cpp(955): [INFO] Max vertex blend matrix index: 255
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Connect"
.\stateconnect.cpp(136): [INFO] Connection to succeeded!
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Account Login"
.\stateaccountlogin.cpp(523): [ERROR] CONFIRM( SUCCEEDED( myD3DDevice->Present( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ) )
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Lost D3D Device"
.\acquireresources.cpp(96): [INFO] TODO: Make sure the media file is the correct type
.\acquireresources.cpp(954): [INFO] Max vetex blend matrices: 4
.\acquireresources.cpp(955): [INFO] Max vertex blend matrix index: 255
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Account Login"
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Logged Into Account"
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Logged Into Account"
.\stateloggedintoaccount.cpp(540): [INFO]
Logged into actor 102:
:x, y =309.00, 530.00
gender: Male
race: Giant
class: Paladin
hp: 301/359
mp: 125/52
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "World - Main"
.\stateworldmain.cpp(384): [WARNING] Clearing effect visualizations might cause memory leaks...
.\stateworldmain.cpp(1153): [INFO] NETMSG_TELLYOURMONEY: you have 42 gold
.\actors.cpp(439): [WARNING] Actor 110 doesn't exist and couldn't be destroyed
.\stateworldmain.cpp(222): [INFO] PROFILER: total app time 55.30
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 60.68 - (longest: 0.04) renderActors
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 34.30 - (longest: 0.03) renderMap
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 1.87 - (longest: 0.03) mySceneryRenderer_renderTextureSubset
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 0.09 - (longest: 0.00) updateSpecialEffects
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 0.01 - (longest: 0.00) updateProjectiles
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 0.21 - (longest: 0.03) updateMap
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 0.03 - (longest: 0.00) worldInteractionManager_update
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 2.81 - (longest: 0.10) enet_host_service
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Disconnect"
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Shutdown"
2nd Attempt: Game crashed - Debug log posted: #debug - Sun Nov 09 09'39'50 2008.txt
Gameplay initiated.
Got logged in to tell Karl I crashed, and that I can post a debug.
Shortly after, game froze for about 3 seconds and crashed.
Config.ini f1=0 true- Code: Select all
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Startup"
.\statestartup.cpp(24): [INFO] win32-cwd: C:\Program Files\Evidyon
.\statestartup.cpp(26): [INFO] subsys-cwd: C:\Program Files\Evidyon
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(108): [INFO] Using "Intel(R) 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller"
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(187): [WARNING] This computer's hardware doesn't support indexed blended animation; using software device to compensate
.\acquireresources.cpp(96): [INFO] TODO: Make sure the media file is the correct type
.\acquireresources.cpp(954): [INFO] Max vetex blend matrices: 4
.\acquireresources.cpp(955): [INFO] Max vertex blend matrix index: 255
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Connect"
.\stateconnect.cpp(136): [INFO] Connection to succeeded!
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Account Login"
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Logged Into Account"
.\stateloggedintoaccount.cpp(540): [INFO]
Logged into actor 222:
:x, y =322.71, 510.95
gender: Male
race: Giant
class: Paladin
hp: 351/359
mp: 125/52
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "World - Main"
.\stateworldmain.cpp(384): [WARNING] Clearing effect visualizations might cause memory leaks...
.\stateworldmain.cpp(222): [INFO] PROFILER: total app time 12.05
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 45.77 - (longest: 0.03) renderActors
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 48.90 - (longest: 0.03) renderMap
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 2.64 - (longest: 0.00) mySceneryRenderer_renderTextureSubset
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 0.14 - (longest: 0.00) updateSpecialEffects
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 0.02 - (longest: 0.00) updateProjectiles
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 0.22 - (longest: 0.01) updateMap
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 0.03 - (longest: 0.00) worldInteractionManager_update
.\stateworldmain.cpp(226): [INFO] 2.28 - (longest: 0.01) enet_host_service
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Disconnect"
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Shutdown"
Re: Version 1.11 Download [LATEST]

Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:42 am
by Broken Star
game crashes when I hit "Enter World" at character select screen
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Startup"
.\statestartup.cpp(24): [INFO] win32-cwd: C:\Program Files\Evidyon
.\statestartup.cpp(26): [INFO] subsys-cwd: C:\Program Files\Evidyon
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(108): [INFO] Using "NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200"
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(187): [WARNING] This computer's hardware doesn't support indexed blended animation; using software device to compensate
.\acquireresources.cpp(96): [INFO] TODO: Make sure the media file is the correct type
.\acquireresources.cpp(954): [INFO] Max vetex blend matrices: 4
.\acquireresources.cpp(955): [INFO] Max vertex blend matrix index: 255
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Connect"
.\stateconnect.cpp(136): [INFO] Connection to succeeded!
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Account Login"
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Logged Into Account"
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Account Login"
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Logged Into Account"
.\stateloggedintoaccount.cpp(540): [INFO]
Logged into actor 129:
: x, y =311.00, 535.00
gender: Male
race: Genie
class: Adept
hp: 9/9
mp: 1300/1300
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "World - Main"
.\stateworldmain.cpp(384): [WARNING] Clearing effect visualizations might cause memory leaks...
Re: Version 1.11 Download [LATEST]

Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:56 am
by Karl G.
Ugh. Darn. Well, there's not much I can do today due to test coming up very soon. I will look at this ASAP and keep it in mind. If you can try testing on other computers, accounts and characters that might be helpful.
Re: Version 1.11 Download [LATEST]

Sun Nov 09, 2008 5:56 pm
by Sankt Pauli
Very nice update, i had no problems at all.
I really dig the new look, even the xenimus font doesn't annoy me in chat hehe. :J
The bazaar system is well done and works like a charme, now we just need armor drops and it's another good step forward.
Edit: Oh, and monsters fleeing from the player is just funny, sometimes i have the feeling i scare whole mobs away. Very cool.
Re: Version 1.11 Download [LATEST]

Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:02 pm
by Exempt
Very nice! I wish armor would drop but it's pretty fun.

Everything is working good for me, i've had no problems.
Re: Version 1.11 Download [LATEST]

Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:06 pm
by kuba
Nice update Karl

Really digging the new look you've given the game
Re: Version 1.11 Download [LATEST]

Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:29 pm
by Cagen
The drop rate was reduced, probably a little too much. I assume Karl will get around to sorting it after he's done the exams he has this week, as he does know about it.
Re: Version 1.11 Download [LATEST]

Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:14 pm
by joeafro
is this the update that has the characters go back to basics?
the power fighter
speed fighter
offensive mage
defensive mage
just wondering lol
Re: Version 1.11 Download [LATEST]

Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:26 pm
by Joe M.
Next update.
Re: Version 1.11 Download [LATEST]

Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:30 am
by Cagen
The drop rate seems to have been fixed, though I can't find any helms or shields.
Re: Version 1.11 Download [LATEST]

Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:26 pm
by Karl G.
I'm still working on it

I put together the drops in...oh...10 minutes yesterday, so I'm still having to play with them. Will look into it once any other issues are identified so I don't have to keep recompiling