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Spells required!

Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:45 am
by sourceofprovidence
Direct attack spell
More aoe/summon spells
Detect evil type of spell
Those are just a couple to start off.
Re: Spells required!

Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:10 pm
by Joe M.
These are definitely going to come. I can't say when, but we're meeting tomorrow night to lay out the next month or two of development and we'll try to work in a content update sooner rather than later.
Re: Spells required!

Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:45 pm
by sourceofprovidence
joe you should have ppl donate 1 buck a month or something to play, if it ment a better server, i'd be all up for it =D
Re: Spells required!

Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:28 am
by Karl G.
I'm planning on moving us to a dedicated server as soon as possible. Only issue is cost, which is why I've been delaying the move. Once bugs are worked out with this version, though, it might be worth it. I'd really like to keep two servers running at the same time so I can test out updates before releasing them to the public....right now I have no way of doing that :/
Re: Spells required!

Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:28 am
by Sex4Cash
IF you like, I can ask some of my wow buddies if they have a server sitting around that isn't being used. Maybe that could be your test server. SOP - as far as a better heal goes I'm kind of unsure about that. At the least it would require a higher lvl. Sorcerers shouldn't have very strong healing magic at all. That falls to the clerical type characters when partied. But ya, it would be nice to have better heals on me for tanking dragons easier.

Re: Spells required!

Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:03 pm
by Karl G.
Sure! Can't hurt

Re: Spells required!

Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:37 pm
by sourceofprovidence
Mages cannot, and I mean cannot not in any way kill a dragon on thier own... 2k hp sucks, no good damage spells, no healing..... poo it's hard to kill a bunch of spirits @ 22, for god sakes.
Re: Spells required!

Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:05 pm
by Joe M.
Nobody *should* be able to kill a dragon on his own. And 2k HP *should* be too much. But the game isn't exactly balanced right now. Working on it.
Re: Spells required!

Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:13 pm
by Sex4Cash
For what its worth (and whether or not this needs to be considered for balancing, I don't know) it was possible as a knight to solo dragons before the update. Granted, it required a fair amt of geonite and some creative transing/healing, but it WAS (well, IS) possible. I think right before the update, without transing too much I could solo dragons with only like 14-18k geonite.