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Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:04 am
by ziggman
before i work more on it, is this something that is needed?
Im working on t3 caslte+town, the town inside the castle walls. the caslte being 2 or even 3 storys high. throne room on second floor
how can i add stair cases, and ladders?iron/wooden chests?
also i was thinking for ALL towns the storage npc sould be on a safe sqaure im sure 90% of people would agree to something like this, we all know how sucky it was to get pked while taking gear out of storage on x1...

Thu Jun 14, 2007 4:34 pm
by Karl G.
The stairs and stuff can be loaded but they are not in the default configuration yet. Just leave room for them, I guess?
I agree that the storage should be on the square. That was a HUGE annoyance to die in storage.

Fri Jun 15, 2007 1:26 am
by ziggman
ok i finnished the 1st floor of t3+castle, i think it looks great, im uploading a crap load of pics.

Fri Jun 15, 2007 3:47 am
by ziggman
sorry i know its huge
i need to add bushes and trees and things like that.
there are no nice thinner walls for houses. so big stone work will have to do for now.
i will have second and third levels soon

Fri Jun 15, 2007 7:55 am
by Karl G.
looks GREAT! I can't wait to see more!

Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:47 pm
by Volcomboy99
that looks really great man
all those rooms should be filled up with merchants/quest guards so they arent just empty like most of the rooms in xenimus

Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:04 pm
by thadiusofx3
woah very elaborate setup!
taking the time to put good detail into the maps will map the game a lot better and more alive
nice job!

Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:27 am
by shadowni
That looks so awesome. And I agree about the quests and merchants. I hate how you find some random building and think oo must be some rare merchant or quest and you go in to find nothing but a bed and a book case.. Maybe this is what you can use the custom guards and merchants for. From the people that donated

Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:50 am
by ziggman
each of the four corners on the 1st level will have ladders going up and down except for the top left. top left tower is like a secret room not really secret, but a good chest awaits in that room. the top right tower is mainly used for storage. and it has a mana pool =P

Thu Jul 19, 2007 6:38 am
by Vitriol
Karl G. wrote:The stairs and stuff can be loaded but they are not in the default configuration yet. Just leave room for them, I guess?
I agree that the storage should be on the square. That was a HUGE annoyance to die in storage.
yeah, i remember getting pked at storage alot. Even though that was part of old xen, its not a part that needs to stay. Its unfair.
Just have a chest on the square.
btw ziggman you are an awesome mapper.

Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:17 pm
by ziggman

Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:28 pm
by ziggman
out side of the caslte to the east you should put several large farms... kind of a realistic thing. the caslte needs food right?