Mages are weak and underplayed

All high lvl's are fighters.... simple reason, they do better damage. and have more armor/health. Mages spell damage needs to be boosted, takes a fig about 6 spins to kill a spirit lvl 17, and a mage 15 pueaso or 10 vis puesdo to kill them. That seems unfair.... also can int effect the spell damage? i got a sorc with 30 intelligence, 31 in a minute here, and he still takes forever to kill spirits, who barely hurt him because running/trans (each hit actually does 1/4 his hp or so.) which is about 562.
Stats 11-10-21-31-18 sorc
does horrible casting damage?
Has low health (understandable)
Stats 11-10-21-31-18 sorc
does horrible casting damage?
Has low health (understandable)