Project Volucris: Group Leveling System *COMPLETED*

Anyone agree that group leveling needs to be thought about for Project Volucris, as much as i love the idea of solo leveling and being the best of your character i think that makes the game very selfish and full of theives, couldnt there be an advantage system for XP when leveling as a group in the same zone or even, within view of eachother.
I'm thinking something like:
---------Level Difference ---------- % XP Advantage------------------
------------| 1 to 5 |----------------------------| 30 | -------------------------
------------| 6 to 10 |--------------------------| 20 | -------------------------
------------| 11 to 20 |-------------------------| 10 | -------------------------
------------| 21 to 30 |-------------------------| 5 | -------------------------
------------| 31+ |-------------------------------| 3 | -------------------------
1 to 5 --------> 30 -----> (2 chars) = 15%
6 to 10 -------> 20 ----> (2 chars) = 10%
11 to 20 ------> 10 ----> (2 chars) = 5%
21 to 30 -------> 5 ----> (2 chars) = 2.5%
31+ ------------> 3 ----> (2 chars) = 1.5%
As you can see i think that it would be far more beneficial for characters or friends to level up together killing monsters quicker and more efficiently, this will tie in with harder to kill monsters, whereby say it takes you 10minutes to clear out a room worth 100k XP. With a friend linked nearby with a level gap of 1-5, you will both earn a shared increase of 30% thus earning 15% more each individually, so 100K in 10 minutes now becomes 115K in 10 minutes.
In Theory.
100K in 10mins ------> 115K in 10mins
600K in 1 Hour -------> 690K in 1 Hour
Fire away with your thoughts. see what you think.
In response to this, here is the counter balance, very well thought around ratiotile.
Counter Balancing Powerleveling
If a characters are using this system with the previous level gaps 1-5, 6-10 and so on, the following counter balancing system applies:
-------Level Difference --------% XP In Combat---------Spectating % Share--------
------------| 1 to 5 |------------------------| 30 | -----------------------------| 30 |----------------------
------------| 6 to 10 |----------------------| 20 | ------------------------------| 20 | -------------------------
------------| 11 to 20 |---------------------| 10 | -----------------------------| 10 | -------------------------
------------| 21 to 30 |---------------------| 5 | -------------------------------| 5 | -------------------------
------------| 31+ |---------------------------| 3 | ------------------------------| 3 | -------------------------
What we have now is a split descision which players can decide:
1. Fight in party/link guild or whichever and get into combat helping out and - Earn an added EXP increase.
2. Be very lazy and become a "spectator". - Earn a very low percentage (determind by level gap) of the monsters exp shared between all spectators.
1 to 5 --------> 30 -----> (2 chars) = 15% + Monsters Exp (Each)
6 to 10 -------> 20 ----> (2 chars) = 10% + Monsters Exp (Each)
11 to 20 ------> 10 ----> (2 chars) = 5% + Monsters Exp (Each)
21 to 30 -------> 5 ----> (2 chars) = 2.5% + Monsters Exp (Each)
31+ ------------> 3 ----> (2 chars) = 1.5% + Monsters Exp (Each)
1 to 5 --------> 30 -----> (2 chars) = 15% of Monsters Exp
6 to 10 -------> 20 ----> (2 chars) = 10% of Monsters Exp
11 to 20 ------> 10 ----> (2 chars) = 5% of Monsters Exp
21 to 30 -------> 5 ----> (2 chars) = 2.5% of Monsters Exp
31+ ------------> 3 ----> (2 chars) = 1.5% of Monsters Exp
I was thinking also thinking of this kinda theory for combat mode.
Combat Determination
This method will help determine which characters are of a good enough level to reap the benefits of added experiance, for example, more than likely a level 5 noob being power leveld trying to get added exp wil find it hard to hit 2 or 3 monsters with 8 seconds to do so.
-----Amount of hits ---------- Timer Countdown (Seconds)------------------
------------| 1 |------------------------------------| 3 |-------------------------
------------| 2 |------------------------------------| 5 |-------------------------
------------| 3 |------------------------------------| 5 |-------------------------
------------| 4 |------------------------------------| 5 |-------------------------
------------| 5 |------------------------------------| 10 |-----------------------
------------| 6 |------------------------------------| 10 |-----------------------
------------| 7 |------------------------------------| 10 |----------------------
------------| 8 |------------------------------------| 10 |-----------------------
------------| 9 |------------------------------------| 10 |-----------------------
------------| 10 |----------------------------------| 60 |-----------------------
--------| After 60 Seconds Timer Reset, Repeat Process |-------------
NOTE: The Hits only count on DIFFERENT Monsters so, up to a maximum of 10 monsters needed for 1 minute countdown.
Combat for Healers and Monsters
As with any fair fight the opposition in this case the monster, should in theory get a bons from fighting back, just as if you kill the monster you recieve experiance. However in this case the monster can affect your % increase for that kill. In this instance what will happen is a fighter will attack a monster hoping for his full 15% increase, however if the monster hits him 3 times before it dies the fighter will only recieve 10% as he was hit 3 times and that is the reward the monster gets.
-------Monster Strikes ---------- XP Advantage Lost %------------------
------------| 1 |------------------------------------| - |-------------------------
------------| 2 |------------------------------------| - |-------------------------
------------| 3 |------------------------------------| 5 |-------------------------
------------| 4 |------------------------------------| - |-------------------------
------------| 5 |------------------------------------| - |-----------------------
------------| 6 |------------------------------------| 8 |-----------------------
------------| 7 |------------------------------------| - |----------------------
------------| 8 |------------------------------------| 10 |-----------------------
------------| 9 |------------------------------------| - |-----------------------
------------| 10 |----------------------------------| All |-----------------------
--------| After Monster is Dead, Repeat Process on different monster. |-------------
Healer System
Now let me describe how healers will come into this, Ratiotile has had very good input into this system so i see it fair to give him a mention for this idea that i have thort into.
------Mediri Casts-------------------------------Percentage of Advantage Granted
------------| 2 |-------3 second countdown-------------------| 25% |-------------------------
------------| 6 |-------3 second countdown-------------------| 50% |-------------------------
------------| 12 |------3 second countdown-------------------| 75% |-------------------------
------------| 20 |------3 second countdown-------------------| 100% |-------------------------
Lets Elaborate:
Mediri Casts (% Entitlement) --------> Monster Strikes (Bonus Exp Heals)
Mediri Casts - A Healer is fighting to gain their Advantage bonus for the party leveling, this is achieved by healing their target combatant. When a healer casts 2 Mediri spells on the same combatant they are then entitled to 25% of their advantage there is then a 3 second countdown timer; if this depleats before the next 2 heals are cast the entitlement is set at that value. This means that healers will be working to make sure they make 20 heals on each combatant character to ensure their full advantage reward for each monster. (The 20 Heals will be required for each combat that any combatant is in not just 20 heals and sit and relax)
Monsters Strikes - When a combatant is in the state of Advantage Loss when being hit, 3,6,8 or 10 times, A Healer that heals this character 2 times; before the opposing monsters dies, will gain 50% extra experiance that the monster is worth for the heal.
Monsters (300 Exp) ---> 20 Combatant Heals (100% entitlement) ---> 2 Advantage Loss Heals -----> *Monster Dies* ---->Healer gets 450 Exp + (Advantage)
Monsters (300 Exp) ----> 6 Combatant Heals (50% entitlement) -----> 2 Advantage Loss Heals -----> *Monster Dies* ---->Healer gets 300 Exp + (Advantage)
So as you can see the healer who heals constantly to keep his friend alive will be granted alot of experiance in the long run, but alternatively the healer who catches his heals at the right time (advantage heals) will recieve less experiance overall but identically to the combatant. Ideally a Healer must be a constant heal to build their entitlement to the advantage reward, then to keep a keen eye for characters that have been hit 3 times, then 6 times and so on, to recieve their advantage loss heal bonuses.
Let me know what you all think.
I'm thinking something like:
---------Level Difference ---------- % XP Advantage------------------
------------| 1 to 5 |----------------------------| 30 | -------------------------
------------| 6 to 10 |--------------------------| 20 | -------------------------
------------| 11 to 20 |-------------------------| 10 | -------------------------
------------| 21 to 30 |-------------------------| 5 | -------------------------
------------| 31+ |-------------------------------| 3 | -------------------------
1 to 5 --------> 30 -----> (2 chars) = 15%
6 to 10 -------> 20 ----> (2 chars) = 10%
11 to 20 ------> 10 ----> (2 chars) = 5%
21 to 30 -------> 5 ----> (2 chars) = 2.5%
31+ ------------> 3 ----> (2 chars) = 1.5%
As you can see i think that it would be far more beneficial for characters or friends to level up together killing monsters quicker and more efficiently, this will tie in with harder to kill monsters, whereby say it takes you 10minutes to clear out a room worth 100k XP. With a friend linked nearby with a level gap of 1-5, you will both earn a shared increase of 30% thus earning 15% more each individually, so 100K in 10 minutes now becomes 115K in 10 minutes.
In Theory.
100K in 10mins ------> 115K in 10mins
600K in 1 Hour -------> 690K in 1 Hour
Fire away with your thoughts. see what you think.
Ratiotile wrote:Brakeyboy, that is a well thought out system, but it can be improved. You are suggesting that exp not be split and each player get the full exp + bonus, is that correct? EXP sharing in Xenimus only works on link. Would this system only ork on link, or with any player?
The only problem with this approach is powerleveling. EJ made it so that if there is a gap of 10 or more levels between characters, they don't share exp. He also had to be a tard and split exp, so if both players are on the screen, they each get 50% exp. That made it a disadvantage to level together, as your exp is cut in half.
EJ treats exp as a zero-sum system, which it isn't. A player who watches another player kill a monster should gain some EXP. The player killing the monster doesn't have his EXP gain reduced just with the presence of another player.
My suggestion is to make it so that players participating in battle get the EXP bonus that Brakeyboy described. Players who didn't participate in battle( observers ) get only the XP advantage, and not any monster EXP. This is to reduce powerleveling.
In response to this, here is the counter balance, very well thought around ratiotile.
Counter Balancing Powerleveling
If a characters are using this system with the previous level gaps 1-5, 6-10 and so on, the following counter balancing system applies:
-------Level Difference --------% XP In Combat---------Spectating % Share--------
------------| 1 to 5 |------------------------| 30 | -----------------------------| 30 |----------------------
------------| 6 to 10 |----------------------| 20 | ------------------------------| 20 | -------------------------
------------| 11 to 20 |---------------------| 10 | -----------------------------| 10 | -------------------------
------------| 21 to 30 |---------------------| 5 | -------------------------------| 5 | -------------------------
------------| 31+ |---------------------------| 3 | ------------------------------| 3 | -------------------------
What we have now is a split descision which players can decide:
1. Fight in party/link guild or whichever and get into combat helping out and - Earn an added EXP increase.
2. Be very lazy and become a "spectator". - Earn a very low percentage (determind by level gap) of the monsters exp shared between all spectators.
1 to 5 --------> 30 -----> (2 chars) = 15% + Monsters Exp (Each)
6 to 10 -------> 20 ----> (2 chars) = 10% + Monsters Exp (Each)
11 to 20 ------> 10 ----> (2 chars) = 5% + Monsters Exp (Each)
21 to 30 -------> 5 ----> (2 chars) = 2.5% + Monsters Exp (Each)
31+ ------------> 3 ----> (2 chars) = 1.5% + Monsters Exp (Each)
1 to 5 --------> 30 -----> (2 chars) = 15% of Monsters Exp
6 to 10 -------> 20 ----> (2 chars) = 10% of Monsters Exp
11 to 20 ------> 10 ----> (2 chars) = 5% of Monsters Exp
21 to 30 -------> 5 ----> (2 chars) = 2.5% of Monsters Exp
31+ ------------> 3 ----> (2 chars) = 1.5% of Monsters Exp
I was thinking also thinking of this kinda theory for combat mode.
Combat Determination
This method will help determine which characters are of a good enough level to reap the benefits of added experiance, for example, more than likely a level 5 noob being power leveld trying to get added exp wil find it hard to hit 2 or 3 monsters with 8 seconds to do so.
-----Amount of hits ---------- Timer Countdown (Seconds)------------------
------------| 1 |------------------------------------| 3 |-------------------------
------------| 2 |------------------------------------| 5 |-------------------------
------------| 3 |------------------------------------| 5 |-------------------------
------------| 4 |------------------------------------| 5 |-------------------------
------------| 5 |------------------------------------| 10 |-----------------------
------------| 6 |------------------------------------| 10 |-----------------------
------------| 7 |------------------------------------| 10 |----------------------
------------| 8 |------------------------------------| 10 |-----------------------
------------| 9 |------------------------------------| 10 |-----------------------
------------| 10 |----------------------------------| 60 |-----------------------
--------| After 60 Seconds Timer Reset, Repeat Process |-------------
NOTE: The Hits only count on DIFFERENT Monsters so, up to a maximum of 10 monsters needed for 1 minute countdown.
Combat for Healers and Monsters
As with any fair fight the opposition in this case the monster, should in theory get a bons from fighting back, just as if you kill the monster you recieve experiance. However in this case the monster can affect your % increase for that kill. In this instance what will happen is a fighter will attack a monster hoping for his full 15% increase, however if the monster hits him 3 times before it dies the fighter will only recieve 10% as he was hit 3 times and that is the reward the monster gets.
-------Monster Strikes ---------- XP Advantage Lost %------------------
------------| 1 |------------------------------------| - |-------------------------
------------| 2 |------------------------------------| - |-------------------------
------------| 3 |------------------------------------| 5 |-------------------------
------------| 4 |------------------------------------| - |-------------------------
------------| 5 |------------------------------------| - |-----------------------
------------| 6 |------------------------------------| 8 |-----------------------
------------| 7 |------------------------------------| - |----------------------
------------| 8 |------------------------------------| 10 |-----------------------
------------| 9 |------------------------------------| - |-----------------------
------------| 10 |----------------------------------| All |-----------------------
--------| After Monster is Dead, Repeat Process on different monster. |-------------
Healer System
Now let me describe how healers will come into this, Ratiotile has had very good input into this system so i see it fair to give him a mention for this idea that i have thort into.
------Mediri Casts-------------------------------Percentage of Advantage Granted
------------| 2 |-------3 second countdown-------------------| 25% |-------------------------
------------| 6 |-------3 second countdown-------------------| 50% |-------------------------
------------| 12 |------3 second countdown-------------------| 75% |-------------------------
------------| 20 |------3 second countdown-------------------| 100% |-------------------------
Lets Elaborate:
Mediri Casts (% Entitlement) --------> Monster Strikes (Bonus Exp Heals)
Mediri Casts - A Healer is fighting to gain their Advantage bonus for the party leveling, this is achieved by healing their target combatant. When a healer casts 2 Mediri spells on the same combatant they are then entitled to 25% of their advantage there is then a 3 second countdown timer; if this depleats before the next 2 heals are cast the entitlement is set at that value. This means that healers will be working to make sure they make 20 heals on each combatant character to ensure their full advantage reward for each monster. (The 20 Heals will be required for each combat that any combatant is in not just 20 heals and sit and relax)
Monsters Strikes - When a combatant is in the state of Advantage Loss when being hit, 3,6,8 or 10 times, A Healer that heals this character 2 times; before the opposing monsters dies, will gain 50% extra experiance that the monster is worth for the heal.
Monsters (300 Exp) ---> 20 Combatant Heals (100% entitlement) ---> 2 Advantage Loss Heals -----> *Monster Dies* ---->Healer gets 450 Exp + (Advantage)
Monsters (300 Exp) ----> 6 Combatant Heals (50% entitlement) -----> 2 Advantage Loss Heals -----> *Monster Dies* ---->Healer gets 300 Exp + (Advantage)
So as you can see the healer who heals constantly to keep his friend alive will be granted alot of experiance in the long run, but alternatively the healer who catches his heals at the right time (advantage heals) will recieve less experiance overall but identically to the combatant. Ideally a Healer must be a constant heal to build their entitlement to the advantage reward, then to keep a keen eye for characters that have been hit 3 times, then 6 times and so on, to recieve their advantage loss heal bonuses.
Let me know what you all think.