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PvP Ideas

Wed Dec 27, 2006 3:55 pm
by Thargor
No magic bag's, lsa's, or redu's.
When you die to a npc / mob you never lose an equipped item but you do lose everything in your inventroy. You have the choice to be reved or hit f12 to respawn in you starter town and lose a certain ammount of exp.
When you suffer a pvp death you have a certain % chance to drop 1 item and everything in inventory. While on the ground you can either be reved or hit f12 to respawn in your starter town losing no exp.
When ever you attack a player a timer is started that puts you on the hit list for all town guards until the timer runs out. If you attack after being attacked by a player your timer doesn't start. This will limit square hopping and killing people at merchants / storage. This also allows players to defend themselve's in these situations with out suffering the penalty and being killed by town guards for defending themselves (lord knows there was a million ways to use a newb to kill even decent lvl people in the early days of Xenimus. Also all merchants should be imune to damage.

Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:06 pm
by thadiusofx3
I don't think those idea's would really fit into the atmosphere we're trying to create.
Re: PvP Ideas

Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:08 pm
by Vitriol
Thargor wrote:No magic bag's, lsa's, or redu's.
When you die to a npc / mob you never lose an equipped item but you do lose everything in your inventroy. You have the choice to be reved or hit f12 to respawn in you starter town and lose a certain ammount of exp.
When you suffer a pvp death you have a certain % chance to drop 1 item and everything in inventory. While on the ground you can either be reved or hit f12 to respawn in your starter town losing no exp.
When ever you attack a player a timer is started that puts you on the hit list for all town guards until the timer runs out. If you attack after being attacked by a player your timer doesn't start. This will limit square hopping and killing people at merchants / storage. This also allows players to defend themselve's in these situations with out suffering the penalty and being killed by town guards for defending themselves (lord knows there was a million ways to use a newb to kill even decent lvl people in the early days of Xenimus. Also all merchants should be imune to damage.
sorry but no.
As of right now the leading idea is that by default when you die you drop everything. EVERYTHING. We may include a magic bag that saves 4 or 5 random equipped items.
XP loss is a hot debate. check the rest of the forum.

Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:38 pm
by Thargor
Vitriol, I have read ALL the posts in this message board in every thread.
In this post you say "We may include a magic bag that saves 4 or 5 random equipped items." but in another post you say it has already been decided that is the way it is going to work. Also you are the only real supporter of BIG exp loss. Most everyone else wants it to be small while you think losing half a lvl of exp in one death is a good thing. Before you assume anything about me or what I have read please realize your making yourself out to look like an a$$. Just because there are idea's already doesn't make them the best solution.
Thad I know that the theme you are going for is danger which I really enjoyed as well. Mainly I just don't want to see the people that want to camp your body with the purpose of getting you to lose exp. Gear I really don't mind if it gets dropped even though it does suck. I can always go on a little PK run to get some good gear fast if I lose mine.
So how about some idea's to keep the danger involved but remove the old annoyances like camping people until they lose exp and all thier gear.

Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:40 pm
by thadiusofx3
I don't want complete total danger/exp/gear loss, but I don't want a teddy bear game like world of warcraft where there is basically no penalty for dying.
I think there should be a balance between the two things.

Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:45 pm
by Thargor
Yah I couldn't stand WoW pvp system either.
How about this?
When you die to a npc / mob you never lose an equipped item but you do lose everything in your inventroy. You have the choice to be reved or hit f12 to respawn in you starter town and lose a certain ammount of exp.
When you suffer a pvp death you have a certain % chance to drop as many as 3 items and everything in inventory. While on the ground you can either be reved or hit f12 to respawn in your starter town losing no exp.
And take out the last part of my idea's for PvP. Or even go with the bag idea the way you were thinking with it saving a certain amount of random items but with the respawn no lsa's or redu's. Although you will see people hunt with the number of items a bag will protect and pvping with a whole different set of items. But at least that way you still have the chance that that person doesn't have a bag on and they can drop everything on them.

Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:53 pm
by thadiusofx3
So say you're in jeloc alone and you die right at the end, you have to go back to town.
screw that lsa's have been in the game since the beginning and they should be in volucris

Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:55 pm
by Vitriol
thadiusofx3 wrote:I don't want complete total danger/exp/gear loss, but I don't want a teddy bear game like world of warcraft where there is basically no penalty for dying.
I think there should be a balance between the two things.
I agree with thad on this.
If there is no penalty for dying, people will not be afraid to go to places they have not been before. There will be no sense of danger or vulnerability that is VITAL to the old xen feel. OK, people dont want to lose to much XP, im giving in on this idea. We can make XP loss minor or whatever. But gear loss is something I am definatly going to stick with. By default (no special items) when you die, everything equipped and in your inventory should drop on the ground.
Magic bags should not be perfect, if we include them at all.
No one will be selling Mystic gear to the merchant in PV.
LSAs will definatly be in the game. They have been in xenimus since before there were version numbers.

Wed Dec 27, 2006 5:10 pm
by Thargor
LSA's were in the game before version numbers but rarely worked until there were version numbers. Also ej took them out 1 update to fix them and then about a month later updated and they worked. But really if there is no magic bag's you drop everything and your only chance is getting up naked to get your stuff back from a pk you are in a whole lot of danger. Just wait until some cleric's / pally's lvl up and decide they really don't like you. PK rev , PK rev really sucked back in the day lol. You just kinda had to wait until the idiot left or some one came to save you. When I saw a pk pop up on wizzy penn and I was hunting there I would always trans on water. So that way no one got my gear.
Would be nice to see friendships begin again to keep each other safe while lvling. Do miss those names that would drive you to lvl so you could fight back against them or run in fear.

Wed Dec 27, 2006 5:14 pm
by thadiusofx3
and also bring back the guilds that were formed solely for pk hunting

Wed Dec 27, 2006 5:31 pm
by illfated123
how about all items drop in pvp and by monsters. if youre wearing a bag (which should be really xpensive and burns after 1 death) you dont drop anything. but like i said REALLY rare making them a REALLY expensive thing reserved for really high levels.

Wed Dec 27, 2006 6:06 pm
by Vitriol
thadiusofx3 wrote:and also bring back the guilds that were formed solely for pk hunting
if we make xp loss and gear loss a part of the game again, then this will happen naturally.
We will witness the return of the mafia. Mark my words.

Fri Dec 29, 2006 9:15 pm
by Simpo
i recon if u die and happen to wear a bag or 2, you should keep everything on you, but if u get reved or pressed f12 and happened to die again, your on 1 bag, get reved again n die, everything you wear is on tha floor.
but make it so bags and redo's are hard to find, none of this 15gold-22gold poo. i wanna see redos and bags go for straight up gear. make these 2 items actually worth and mean something to someone.

Fri Dec 29, 2006 9:42 pm
by 9sam1
we shouldnt try to make this game exactly like old school xen. Alot of things that ej added more recently made the game better. Like bags. although i do think that bags should be a very rare item, cause in actual xen there everywhere and anyone from like lvl 10 + can get one easy. it should be like so only the best of the best can get bags.

Fri Dec 29, 2006 9:44 pm
by thadiusofx3
Bags aren't a recent addition, they were put in the game almost near the beginning, and were called Hidden Bag of Holding.

Fri Dec 29, 2006 9:53 pm
by 9sam1
I dont remember a hidden bag of holding guess it was pretty rare. But the Magic bag is usually not included when people talk about old school xen. i think it was an improvement on the game. though i think its become far to common in the game and should be rare in PV.

Fri Dec 29, 2006 9:56 pm
by Ender
that "of holding" part cracks me up. wtf else is the bag going to do?

Fri Dec 29, 2006 9:57 pm
by thadiusofx3
They weren't in the game for all that long til he changed the to "invisible bag" i think and then just magic bag.
They never worked right or at all, but what they did was save your items in a bag at the place you died and you had to go pick them up again, but they were invisible to other people.

Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:00 pm
by thadiusofx3
See this post:
I'm going to create a special item that you can buy called a Hidden Bag of Holding. A limited number of items can be placed in the bag. When you die the bag will remain where you were killed so you can go back and get those items. -EJ

Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:02 pm
by 9sam1
that is the most retarded idea ive ever seen.