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Sneak Peek: The New Editor! [LOTS OF IMAGES]

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:22 pm
by Karl G.
I know this isn't quite the same as a release of the real thing (coming very soon!) but here are some screenshots in the mean time :) I'm just messing around in these; it really only takes about 30 seconds to get a world set up in this editor.


PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:51 pm
by ziggman
looks very nice, looks like its not too hard to operate. altho a little explination would help.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:52 pm
by thadiusofx3
Wow, that's a really powerful editor, seriously, props to you on that one Karl.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:33 pm
by Karl G.
Thanks! :)

When I release this thing, I'm going to write a PDF that describes how to use it--a very concise one, I don't want to write a book, but the editor can do a LOT more than what you see here. Just briefly, here are a couple of the technical features:

Edit Anything - EVERY resource with a value can be edited in some way

Merging - You can combine your world with someone else's in a single click! Makes collaboration a snap.

Import/Export - No more losing your work when you update the world editor--by Exporting from one version editor, all your data is put into a VERY robust, error-tolerant format that can be Imported by the next.

Compile - When I have a complete version of the world, a simple script that takes all of the game's resources (images in any format, textures, .X models, .MDJ models, mesh skins, scenery, terrain, spawn points, races, classes, maps, spells, and more!) and compiles them into two compressed files: an encrypted file for the client, and one with all the secret stuff for the server. In addition, the compiler performs optimization on the maps and textures to save space, and can even be configured (in the future) to generate reduced-quality versions for a smaller download size or lower-end computers! What's even more exciting is that, to add new stuff to the game, the programs that run the game will never have to change--just compile a new version of the world, and they'll run it!

There's much more to share, but I'm going to get back to tailoring the editor till then :)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:51 pm
by Sankt Pauli
Looking awesome, reminds me alot of the terrain/layer-editing features of the unrealed (i never like the scripting part hehe).