by Karl G. » Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:12 am
To answer your questions, Delurium:
VGV and VFV will return to PV, but for now I'm not sure what I'll do about them. There seems no real reason they should cause so much lag. EJ probably just spawned like 15 fireballs instead of making VFV/GV an actual spell.
Stupefacere may just be removed. If we can figure out something cool for it to do, I'll put that in, but in Xenimus it was always a stupid spell.
When I first started playing Xenimus, I LOVED the balance between characters:
Wizards vs Warlocks - Wizards' attack could go straight through armor, dealing tons of direct damage. However, the warlocks had an attack that would deal damage equal to 33% of the target's health, but it would be lessened by armor and magical protection. Both classes got moonbeam, which they could use to finish off a target. Wizards got fragor ipsum and adgredi at lower levels, but those spells weren't powerful enough to matter until higher levels. In the same way, warlocks had poison spells (granted, they weren't nearly strong enough--they will be stronger in PV).*
Cleric vs. Wiz/War - Clerics' multi attack was REALLY strong, but it only hit a few targets (8) and only if they were evil. Otherwise, clerics had to survive using moonbeam and, later, fragor adgredi.
Theif vs. Fighter - Theives could hit fast, and often from a range, but fighters could hit hard and take a lot of damage. Also, theives had a larger multi attack than fighters.
Paladin - Paladins had to stay good so they couldn't PK a lot, but they could wear lots of armor and take almost as much damage as a fighter. They also got divinus tueri for added protection and were thus better suited to fight off magic users, and could resurrect their comrades.
So to answer your question, a lot of the spells will go back to the way they were.
*Note: Poison Spells
I'm considering having two flavors of poison spells--a 'red' and 'green' version. Green will deal direct DOT, such as 10 dmg / second. Red will deal % hp remaining DOT, such as 10% / second. Red will take a long time to kill someone, but it weakens them a lot faster. Green will kill them faster, but takes longer to weaken them. A target can only be poisoned with one kind at a time.
For Example:
a character with 1000 HP:
RED POISON, 10% dmg/sec: 1000 900 810 729 656 590 531 478...(takes 65 seconds to get to 1 HP)
GREEN POISON, 50 dmg/sec: 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650...(takes 20 seconds to kill)