Hello Mr. Thayer,
I'd like to hear your thoughts regarding the potential for me to license the use of Xenimus's content for use by Project Volucris.
I'm in a position now to tell you that I have received much more support than previously anticipated for this game, and am prepared to offer substantial monetary compensation for this right. As I detailed before, this would involve any combination of up-front or installment payments, in addition to the necessity of downloading Xenimus from your servers and having it installed to play Project Volucris as long as the game uses the content.
In good faith, here are some gameplay videos demonstrating what I have developed thus far:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... q=volucris
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 8157381322
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 6402602682
These videos include one of basic, functional gameplay; another of the stats/inventory screen and a third of the map editor. All of the programs are fully functional at this point, and I simply need content to begin fleshing out the game.
I see two potential paths to take from here. Should PV (Project Volucris) be officially able to use some of Xenimus's content as outlined before, you will be personally compensated and, by proxy, the popularity and download frequency of your game will be boosted. This has the potential to provide a dual increase in your income. Alternatively, I can invest the money into hiring local 3d modelers--and believe me, Cornell University has no shortage of undergraduate 3d modelers who need a little extra cash--but this route is not beneficial for either of us. My models would take a little longer to get developed, and PV would become Xenimus's competitor instead of ally.
As I mentioned in a prior email to you, so long you did not sign a contract explicitly restricting your ability to sublicense the models you bought, there is no legal issue in doing so. Models purchased individually from websites may be restricted, but it would not be a problem to exclude those from our agreement.
Please give my proposal ample consideration, and reply when you have reached a decision. I look forward to hearing from you.
Karl Gluck
I'm honestly impressed at what you have there so far. Looks like you
have done some real programming and know what your doing. I cannot
however give you permission to use the 3d models or textures in Xenimus.
The people that I have purchased 3d models and textures from do have
written in their agreements that I am now allowed to give out or resell
their material. I can only distribute things with the game for use with
My suggestion is simple, write your own game. You obviously have some
good talent and from what I hear you have some people helping you out.
Be creative and create a game.
From a legal stand point you run the risk of getting sued by companies
that have sold me models or textures. That kind of risk just is not
worth taking.
There is another path from this point also. You and your team could help
me work on FP. I will let you in early on what I plan on doing with FP
very soon. I'm currently upgrading the map maker and game to DirectX 9
with pixel shaders for the terrain engine so I can do several layers of
multi texturing. The 3d modeling tool that I use to create models is
already converted. The plan is simple. I will post jobs on the website
that anyone can offer to do. For example:
New small cave dungeon - $250
New large crypt dungeon - $500
New small town (8 - 10 houses) - $200
Capital city layout of streets - $200
3 part chain quest - $150
kill quest - $50
Then what people would do is email me requesting to do one of those
jobs. Once they are done and the work is approved the game owes them the
amount of money the job was worth at a rate of 5% of the profits until
they have been paid off. I will keep a database of who has worked on the
game and how much the game owes them. So if/when the game becomes
profitable they start to get paid. This gives everyone a vested interest
in seeing the game succeed.
I think this is a cool idea to develop FP.
Thats enough writing for now. Talk later.
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