I started Xenimus as early as November 11, 2001 (that's when my first screenshot is dated) and played with my little brother. I was 13, he was 11. (he's the little dude in white helping me kill the dragon, which was stuck in the T3 merchant's basement!) I had no idea what to do, but I had a lot of fun running around and flamma-ing things and hanging out with some guy named ACIDRAINMAIN. He could make a cool cloud of green stuff, which I liked. Also I thought Nocte Visus changed day to night for everyone, so I spent twenty minutes trying to show someone I met in game that I could change the world at level 1

To make a long story short, I played for a while and had a kickass time killing & being killed, then got banned from it by my parents and which made me decide to make my own game--after all, they couldn't keep me from playing something I made, right??
Here are the glory-days screenshots. I have no idea where I got The Tree of Hope from!
These are from early 2002, when I played frequently. Although the JPGs are dated october 2002, the original BMPs (which I still have!) are dated between march 2002 and july 2002. I stopped playing in august, but still visited the forums.
This is one of my all-time favorites. Bonk Von Fuzzlewack took me to the GH for free, and really got me started playing.
These are from mid-2002:
These are from outside of the folder that is labeled on the disc as "old", and are in no particular order:
This one was taken when EJ added the blue egg+white-pot spell for high level clerics. I was allied with Bonk when he was the first to get it

This picture was "faked" since I wasn't high enough level to have bomb yet (only 25, clerics got at 27)
Figured out how to switch fireball for chicken! lol

There was a bug at one point that if gnomes put on a scale mail (I think) they got super huge.
When I first saw this thing, I was like O.o
My brother and I made twins--"Life" and "Death". I was a warlock, he was a wizard. We were all-intel, and sat in DS mana pools pking together.
LUKE2 was EJ's friend, and got a char with crossbeam/bomb. I managed to catch him in action!
A weird bug--I got my storage open in East dungeon
There was a bug that made you into a dragon...lol!
I used my defunct warlock Viontel (level 16) and my naked level 29 cleric Ecrofresia to VERY slowly make my way to the end of the death dungeon by luring monsters away with Viontel, then using reditus, and having Ecro use instaport + the fireball trick. This trick was to create a fireball on the edge of your screen and -battle to make it go offscreen and kill one of the insane guardians.
My friend Volrath and I went to DD to kill stuff. He was...oh...high level 40's HP paladin, I was level 31 cleric w/ really fast reaction time. We still died, and I dropped my 7p mystic plate (Best item I owned, ever! I never owned a spirit item or higher, until someone who I gave my account to found the first dirus leather in adepts...a few days after I abandoned the game)