If you're new, check out the basic instructions.
Here's what this update includes:
- Geosids - talk to the "geoling" on the square
- Sacrifice your items to the geoling to gain Geonite--the little green number in the bottom right-hand corner
- There are two abilities you can use: recall and rejuvenate. Recall takes 5 geonite, rejuvenate takes the total of your HP and MP
- No, there isn't a way to see how much geonite an item is worth right now--there will be, just like selling to a merchant. For now know that higher level items are worth more.
- Names moved back to bottom of screen
- Two new Warrior abilities: fireslash and vortex
- The world has TRIPLED in size! The north is very dangerous though--go in groups and expect to die. A lot.
- The underworld has been expanded.
- Some new things to look for:
- 7 kinds of golems
- VERY high level dragons
- cryptkeepers
- New items
- Lush world with more plants than you can shake several sticks at
- Day/night lighting effects with a GLOW around your character! - removed temporarily
- The beach with sandcrawlers is gone. They've moved in with blade horrors (their bestest friends) for now since I liked the little guys and didn't want to delete 'em.
- There are no more hounds on the path to the graveyard. Low-levels should actually be able to make it there without dying now!
- Loot and EXP have been adjusted
- All spells and abilities have lower delay
- Fighter self-buffs last as long as others
- Various memory leaks have been fixed
- Wisdom buffing enchantments now works
- Global chat text is now in white
Stuff I already know about that's messed up:
- Dragons and golems lack sound. Sorry folks :/
- A lot of minor bugs not fixed.