now this s what i get

\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Startup"
.\statestartup.cpp(24): [INFO] win32-cwd: C:\Users\admin\Documents\Desktop
.\statestartup.cpp(26): [INFO] subsys-cwd: C:\Users\admin\Documents\Desktop
.\statestartup.cpp(30): [INFO] Config file not found
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(108): [INFO] Using "Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family"
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(187): [WARNING] This computer's hardware doesn't support indexed blended animation; using software device to compensate
.\acquireresources.cpp(88): [ERROR] Couldn't open media file evidyon.gme
.\statestartup.cpp(38): [FATAL] The game couldn't load its resource file
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Shutdown"
this is whats i get when i try to run the game
the debug file pops up with this. i havent been able to play in a
long time and i need my evidyon fix any suggestions.
.\statestartup.cpp(24): [INFO] win32-cwd: C:\Users\admin\Documents\Desktop
.\statestartup.cpp(26): [INFO] subsys-cwd: C:\Users\admin\Documents\Desktop
.\statestartup.cpp(30): [INFO] Config file not found
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(108): [INFO] Using "Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family"
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(187): [WARNING] This computer's hardware doesn't support indexed blended animation; using software device to compensate
.\acquireresources.cpp(88): [ERROR] Couldn't open media file evidyon.gme
.\statestartup.cpp(38): [FATAL] The game couldn't load its resource file
.\volucrisclient.cpp(58): [INFO] Executing state "Shutdown"
this is whats i get when i try to run the game
the debug file pops up with this. i havent been able to play in a
long time and i need my evidyon fix any suggestions.