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Just an Idea

Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:10 pm
by Rabit561
If you've played Diablo 2 you most likely already know what this is.. (I'm sure you could name it somthing different other then "Hardcore")
But if you're not it basically means if you die, you are officially Dead, no coming back from the dead, nothing. (MAYBE you could revive them if you got there in time to use your reviving spell, or they were wearing a Life Saving Amulet?
Although I thought if it would work like that your character could level 50% faster or something of the sort..
I'm sure this won't happen even later then beta, and I don't even think it's a great idea, I just thought I'd bring up the idea b4 anyone else

Re: Just an Idea

Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:08 am
by Karl G.
I think that "hardcore" mode is an interesting idea, and the faster leveling could certainly make it worthwhile. That way, when you eventually die, you can level up again and still be an active player in the game.
Do you think there would need to be a separate server for h/c players?
Re: Just an Idea

Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:42 pm
by Rabit561
I thought about it, but I don't think there should be different servers (Hardcore players should have different colored letters in their name or somthing, infact I think if a Non-Hard-core player kills a HC player they shouldn't die forever maybe just get hospitalized? Since I don't think it would be fair to the HC players if it was like that..
But if you did decide to make it separate servers, it'd still be pretty cool.

Re: Just an Idea

Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:52 am
by Draco
I'd say have separated servers... because mixing HC players with normal might pose too many abusable effects period... and players can relate better between the two if they're separated.
I'd say if you die on a HC player... when you revive, you'll appear in a large house in the middle of a dungeon.
All of the monsters in the dungeon would be level 1 and easy to kill, but you need to kill so many monsters before you can get out.
Playerlevel * 10 = kills needed to get out.
OR you could just wait out 8 hours and log back in later.
How's this for an effect of the place, have rain like in xen... but it would be silent weird-color rain that goes backwards (from the ground up) the whole time you're in there, giving it a weird effect.
My ideas for this can't exactly be that great, I just woke up a little bit ago so I wanna see what people think of this, if you don't like it, just tell me not to post ideas until 4 hours after I wake up lol.
Re: Just an Idea

Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:07 pm
by Rabit561
Draco wrote:I'd say have separated servers... because mixing HC players with normal might pose too many abusable effects period... and players can relate better between the two if they're separated.
I'd say if you die on a HC player... when you revive, you'll appear in a large house in the middle of a dungeon.
All of the monsters in the dungeon would be level 1 and easy to kill, but you need to kill so many monsters before you can get out.
Playerlevel * 10 = kills needed to get out.
OR you could just wait out 8 hours and log back in later.
How's this for an effect of the place, have rain like in xen... but it would be silent weird-color rain that goes backwards (from the ground up) the whole time you're in there, giving it a weird effect.
My ideas for this can't exactly be that great, I just woke up a little bit ago so I wanna see what people think of this, if you don't like it, just tell me not to post ideas until 4 hours after I wake up lol.
I can agree on the separate servers.. but that whole dungeon thing w/e is kinda.. lame, it just destroys the whole meaning of HC. Maybe you could create somwhere to go after you die.. but I don't think you should be able to get out, just like a heaven or hell.
Like I said the only chance you should have to live after dieing, is if somebody revives you b4 you officially die or if your wearing a LSA
Re: Just an Idea

Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:04 am
by Draco
Lol woah I barely even remember posting this...
O_o... yeah I'm not posting ideas until after i'm already awake.
I still hold strong with separated servers, but for a place to be after you die... I'd say just make it something like the void in xen... you can still log on, and see all of your stats/inventory but you can't really do anything at all until your dead time is up.
Re: Just an Idea

Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:19 pm
by Sankt Pauli
Could this really work well with fast-paced gameplay and a free-world-enviroment like in xenimus?
Newbs wouldn't be pleased if they don't know how stuff works, wander off into a mob, die and have to wait hours in a void just to respawn - not even to speak of permadeath, which imo, would definetely kill any game like xen (or better, any game with a progress-rate similar to xen).
A different server might be an idea here (normal server, permadeath server), but that should be something to think about when this game is up n' running and has a notable playerbase. Otherwise it will give the "GvE" effect of xenimus, dividing an allready small community into even smaller groups.
Re: Just an Idea

Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:09 pm
by Draco
... um... first this is all for a "hardcore" server, nothing I suggested was intended for suggestion for the normal servers, only the hardcore servers.
I also wouldn't suggest adding a hardcore server until the game is more complete and there's a player base up in the thousands.
I've personally voted no on this thread... I've labeled something like this as near the bottom of the stack as far as game content priorities go.
It doesn't mean we can't come up with different ways to figure more versatility and fun into the game.
Here's a recently thought up idea:
In the hardcore server, if you die, you lose this specific item like an orb or something (originally known as "lives" in early games) that's used to keep your character alive.
If you lose all of these 'orbs', your character is gone forever.
Have a maximum limit of orbs you can have... and you can go to big big things in the game to gain them back if you lose them.
Re: Just an Idea

Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:34 am
by Marine2583
wut about if you get caught in "Pergatory" and the only way out is to go through test depending on your lvl?
kinda like how ej made the dungeon for lvl's 1-19? somthing like that ya know?
then if you do not beat it then the char is gone for good or somthin like that?
have a warning telling ppl this is wut happens on HC server?
Re: Just an Idea

Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:04 pm
by Sankt Pauli
Oh, i got that wrong then.
Well generally i wouldn't mind a "hardcore" or "permadeath" server, i tend to a true permadeath then though (like the server in "euo" - btw draco, i got a 27 mage on there too now - friend played my account, look out for "Schatten").