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Minor Issues List

Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:14 pm
by thadiusofx3
I know this alpha is to work out the big bugs first, but it can't hurt to make a minor issues list to be worked on.
1. In the login screen after typing account number, tab should move to the password screen.
2. After typing in your password, enter should log you in to the world.
3. On the character creation screen, the button says create character and enter world, but it returns you to the character select screen instead of logging that character in.
4. If you type an invalid account number or password and hit enter world, it does not inform you that either is invalid it just does nothing.
5. Pressing escape or pressing the button you used to open the dialog should also exit it. (example: pressing k or escape should exit you out of the keys dialog.
6. Exiting to the character select screen from in the game needs a dialog. (are you sure you want to log off this character? yes | no)
7. The radio buttons when selecting items or spells seem reversed to me. When an item is not selected the circle is filled with black and when they're not selected they're white. is it just me or does this seem backwards?
8. Character Select and Create screens need a matching gui to the rest of the game.
9. Male gnomes are colored but females are not.
10. Title Bar still says "Project Volucris" =)
11. Scrolling with mouse scroll button in menus that have a scroll bar
more to come
Re: Minor Issues List

Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:18 pm
by Karl G.
YES please list as many of these as you can. They're simple to fix but someone has to identify them--and remember I log in about 1000 times a day so I hardly notice most of these

Re: Minor Issues List

Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:18 pm
by thadiusofx3
I'll list as many as i can and cross them out as they're fixed
Re: Minor Issues List

Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:38 pm
by Serenity
Male gnomes are a grey-blue and females are still normal colored.
Re: Minor Issues List

Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:13 pm
by Karl G.
Durf...add that one to the list, thad?
Re: Minor Issues List

Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:38 am
by joeafro
something that would be nice
enabling mouse scroll in screens like the inventory and spell list screens
Re: Minor Issues List

Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:53 pm
by xile
-Warrior strike does 0 damage.
-EXP keeps getting reset back
-Invincibility still isn't fixed.
Re: Minor Issues List

Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:15 pm
by Nirvana9832
When killing a Big Mob on screen. Game freezes.
Im sure this is the way to glitch HP. cause what had happened with me was..
Was leveling as normal. and then i killed a bunch of mobs, Game froze then my char died..
After that i closed out, and relogged on, and my char was alive again, and my hp was like. Zero.
Continued to kill things withought a scratch.
There ya go.
Re: Minor Issues List

Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:55 pm
by Karl G.
EXP keeps getting reset because I was having big issues with the database--it kept erasing every time it crashed, so I had to keep reverting to the backup. That should stop now.
Invincibility is caused by huge server lag while your character has negative HP.
Re: Minor Issues List

Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:43 pm
by xile
EXP STILL continues to reset.
I found a big, HUGE, endless brown repeating desert area next to some Liches and a Golem. Should I not waste my time there?
Also, the item description for CAP is probably the best thing ever.
Re: Minor Issues List

Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:00 pm
by xile
Now I'm lost in the big brown desert and can't find regular land.
Can you move me back to the start point

My character is X
Re: Minor Issues List

Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:24 pm
by Ratiotile
contributing to the list:
- human female model doesn't show up or animate properly
- water is sometimes blue and sometimes it is clear so the ground under it is seen
- character stops responding randomly when there are many monsters on the screen
- it seems like armor doesn't have any effect
- monsters have no pathfinding, they get stuck behind trees
- there is no way to clear key bindings. If I want to change the binding of a spell, if the new spell is under the old spell, I can bind the same key to the new spell and if I close and reopen the bindings screen, it will update and clear the old spell. However, this does not work for spells above the previous spell that you want to set the key for; the new binding will disappear while the old one remains after closing and reopening the bindings screen.
- small issue, not game related, mainly ease-of install: the installer complains that the old version is still installed, must remove manually.
- camera is jumpy when colliding and quickly changing direction. Character appears to move into obstacle, and then reappears outside the obstacle when colliding. Collision causes full stop no matter which angle you collide at. I suggest implementing sliding collisions. It may help with the monsters getting stuck too, although it seems more likely that they spawned on top of each other and the collision handler isn't allowing them to move. I assume you are handling collisions by having the objects move back to their original positions. This will cause the monsters getting stuck glitch if the original position is still in a state of collision, as they will never be able to separate.
Re: Minor Issues List

Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:00 pm
by Karl G.
Ratiotile wrote:- it seems like armor doesn't have any effect
It reduces damage by the amount of your armor, maximum 80%
Ratiotile wrote:- small issue, not game related, mainly ease-of install: the installer complains that the old version is still installed, must remove manually.
Yeah im not sure how to get it to remove the old one automatically
Ratiotile wrote:- camera is jumpy when colliding and quickly changing direction. Character appears to move into obstacle, and then reappears outside the obstacle when colliding. Collision causes full stop no matter which angle you collide at. I suggest implementing sliding collisions. It may help with the monsters getting stuck too, although it seems more likely that they spawned on top of each other and the collision handler isn't allowing them to move. I assume you are handling collisions by having the objects move back to their original positions. This will cause the monsters getting stuck glitch if the original position is still in a state of collision, as they will never be able to separate.
These are two issues, really. Yes the collisions suck right now; I haven't really thought about them. However, the camera is jumpy because position smoothing is currently disabled due to lag causing weird effects. I'm working on a fix for that after I get more screens up and running.
Ratiotile wrote:- human female model doesn't show up or animate properly
This one is really weird; the human female is the exact same model as all of the other female models, so I'm not sure what's causing this problem only with the human one.
Ratiotile wrote:- water is sometimes blue and sometimes it is clear so the ground under it is seen
This is a fog issue. I don't think fog likes to play with transparent objects very nicely.
Ratiotile wrote:- character stops responding randomly when there are many monsters on the screen
collision bug, I think.
Ratiotile wrote:- monsters have no pathfinding, they get stuck behind trees
Will be fixed with the collision bug
Ratiotile wrote:- there is no way to clear key bindings. If I want to change the binding of a spell, if the new spell is under the old spell, I can bind the same key to the new spell and if I close and reopen the bindings screen, it will update and clear the old spell. However, this does not work for spells above the previous spell that you want to set the key for; the new binding will disappear while the old one remains after closing and reopening the bindings screen.
Temporary fix for the next update: clicking now erases the key binding until a key is pressed.
Re: Minor Issues List

Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:52 pm
by Richard. UK
My BSOD problem too

- with this nv4_disp.dll infinate loop :S
It had been working since update, but now I had a blue screen earlier all described in my seperated thread

Don't know what is going on lol!
Re: Minor Issues List

Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:07 am
by 9sam1
When a genie is on screen with me, the water turns to what the genies skin looks like.
Re: Minor Issues List

Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:46 am
by Necromadon
If you are moving when you hit transport, it either won't cast, or when it does cast it still takes your movement into account and it looks very jumpy.
Re: Minor Issues List

Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:33 am
by Babblage
These 2 may not be bugs, but I found them odd
- When you die, and Cleavers are on the screen, they do some sort of shuffle.
- Text can be seen through the inventory screen, and other screens.
These are almost certainly bugs
- When you hit Enter, an underscore pops up so signify that you are typing. If you type nothing and try to hit Enter again to get rid of it, you must hit Enter 3 times total for it to go away.
- As a Male Human Warlock, the spell "pirinand" hurts me the second I press the key for it. There's no chance for me to target something else. The upgraded version of this spell (i don't remember the name), works properly.
Re: Minor Issues List

Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:29 pm
by Delurium II
Some minor bugs ive found:
-Walking bug:
when you cast spells or just dont do anything special at all, your char suddenly starts to run off in a straight line. prob the collide bug or autowalk thingy.
-Stat Points:
Chars that was over lvl 9 (i guess) only got 8 stat points even tho they should have recieved alot more due to their lvl (f.ex: lvl 16 only got 8 stat points when stat screen was implented)
-Monster spawn points:
Monsters spawn on top of eachother, not able to move without 1 of them dieng first
-Monster aoe spells (and bows):
They hit all other mobs in the range, not only players. will draw agro from you.
-Share exp with monster:
When monsters get hit by arrows/aoe spells sometimes they dont give as much exp as they would to the player that kills them (if you did 100% dmg to a mob u get all exp, but if an aoe/arrow hit them they often dont give that same amount)
-infinite hp bug:
If you are dead and press the "x" button on the program (to quit) you will respawn at the same spot with 0 hp but still "alive"
-+Hp/mp items taken on/off:
Hp/Mp bar will not reset when you equip/unequip items with these stats. this can give you stuff like 440/120 mp and also gives an extra long bar indicating it.
Re: Minor Issues List

Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:58 am
by joeafro
anything with -and on the end of it is a self damaging spell, meaning to be used with spell combos
Re: Minor Issues List

Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:30 pm
by thadiusofx3
No way to delete characters
Re: Minor Issues List

Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:15 pm
by David T.
the 'broadsword' low level weapon appears graphically as a chain mail tunic when equipped.
Re: Minor Issues List

Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:50 pm
by Vapore
Every time I log out or die my key bindings are completely reset. And when I constantly bring up the spell window my first key binding is reset.
Also when you die, if you go into inventory it will be empty but it will still show the stats of your last item you scrolled over even thought you have already lost it.
Re: Minor Issues List

Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:51 pm
by Summoner
Not being able to delete characters has been a real pain as of lately for me. When I try to make other classes to test them out and everything I end up having to make a new account and think of more names.
Just throwing out there that possibly a delete option should be implemented in the next update.
Edit: Just noticed that Thadius posted this already, but this still counts.

Re: Minor Issues List

Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:39 pm
by Burnt Ferret
I believe he has already stated that the delete option will be implemented soon. However, he has also said that he wants you to just make a new account, he CAN delete your characters, however, it's a very lengthy process on his end.
Re: Minor Issues List

Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:56 pm
by Summoner
Burnt Ferret wrote:I believe he has already stated that the delete option will be implemented soon. However, he has also said that he wants you to just make a new account, he CAN delete your characters, however, it's a very lengthy process on his end.
Yeah I noticed that just today actually. My bad on not noticing it I suppose. I have like 12 account numbers on a sheet of paper.