Weird Lag

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Weird Lag

Postby Sceptre » Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:33 am

FIrst off i'm not very computer savy, basically my problem is I log on Evidyon and I have like 5 second lag, I know it's something to do with the internent because mouse moves freely and all that good stuff. I think the problem is something to do with me being on a college campus, the internet is insanely fast, and I also have the same problem with xen, yet i see kids playing WOW all over this campus with no laggggg..... IM getting frustrated lol, any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Weird Lag

Postby Karl G. » Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:05 pm

That is very odd--maybe you can help by giving me some more information:
- Can you see other people moving around lag-free?
- Is the lag a jitter or a delay? A jitter would be you click somewhere, and your character jumps every few seconds to the place where it should be rather than moving smoothly. A delay is you click, and a few seconds later your character moves smoothly to the right location.
- What operating system are you running?
- How are you connected--wireless, or wired?
- Did you play other versions of Evidyon without lag?
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Re: Weird Lag

Postby Sceptre » Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:30 am

I can see people moving sometimes, and I do have jitter lag sometimes but most the time I can't move at all, I've tried wireless and connecting directly on campus neither seem to work, I've played past version just on this pc and it worked fine BUT i was on a different internet, what I fine weird tho is I can play Wow and some games just fine. I can't play evidyon or xenimus though.
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Re: Weird Lag

Postby Karl G. » Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:45 am

It sounds like you are on a tiered internet. If you're in the states, you can probably complain to your ISP and they'll ignore you, but it might help.

Try this:
Start -> Run. Type "cmd". In the window that comes up, type "ping" and tell me what shows up. Then, type "ping" and tell me what comes up.
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