penalty Exp -.-

Getting above 1k penalty exp for being able to die in 5 seconds when it takes like 5-6 minuttes to work that penalty back sucks, people will get so fucking annoyed by that when pk'rs come around that they will quite the game.
instead maybe, if you die more than 3 times in a row you will start to lose the exp you've worked up 5% at a time.. sounds reasonable?
only an idiot would go back to a place he had died 3 times in a row, unless he lost something valuable f.ex omni equivalent.
instead maybe, if you die more than 3 times in a row you will start to lose the exp you've worked up 5% at a time.. sounds reasonable?
only an idiot would go back to a place he had died 3 times in a row, unless he lost something valuable f.ex omni equivalent.