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Right click their feet.

Sun May 31, 2009 5:35 am
by marzuku
i think that if you would want to see a name on the screen you should be able to right click it at will instead of it just popping up randomly.
When you right clicked a player on Xen the name was there for some time so you could find out who just transed by you, but now you need to keep your mouse on the player for it to work.
Re: Right click their feet.

Sun May 31, 2009 10:57 am
by Joe M.
You're right about the difficulty, and right-clicking would be one way to solve it. I wonder, however, if a more elegant solution would be to use the current mouse-over name-fading, but to change it so that the name will persist for a few seconds after you move your mouse. Now this could clutter up the screen unnecessarily (especially with corpses), but if we time the fade well it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Thoughts?
Re: Right click their feet.

Sun May 31, 2009 11:12 am
by marzuku
Joe M. wrote:You're right about the difficulty, and right-clicking would be one way to solve it. I wonder, however, if a more elegant solution would be to use the current mouse-over name-fading, but to change it so that the name will persist for a few seconds after you move your mouse. Now this could clutter up the screen unnecessarily (especially with corpses), but if we time the fade well it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Thoughts?
Well right clicking and a fade of 5 seconds or whatnot or until you clicked some one elses feet?
Re: Right click their feet.

Sun May 31, 2009 11:25 am
by Joe M.
I think that it is perhaps best to minimize the number of clicks required of a player to interact with the world. Instant information. Also, right-clicking will be serving another function--menus--which is not compatible with a name-display function.
Re: Right click their feet.

Sun May 31, 2009 11:46 am
by marzuku
Joe M. wrote:I think that it is perhaps best to minimize the number of clicks required of a player to interact with the world. Instant information. Also, right-clicking will be serving another function--menus--which is not compatible with a name-display function.
putting a menu so close to a combat button will #### up alot of pvp.
Re: Right click their feet.

Sun May 31, 2009 1:02 pm
by Karl G.
It's for triggering quests, so clicking it in PVP won't have an effect.
Re: Right click their feet.

Sun May 31, 2009 2:43 pm
by marzuku
Karl G. wrote:It's for triggering quests, so clicking it in PVP won't have an effect.
Case closed, next post please

Re: Right click their feet.

Sun May 31, 2009 8:23 pm
by Tseiga
I'm in agreement with Marz, and it was actually something I had thought about in the past. It seemed much more convenient to just click someone's feet and see the name clearly, and have it stay at their feet for a few more seconds even if they transed away, instead of setting the cursor to their feet and waiting for a name to barely fade in, and, if they happened to trans at that second before the name even appeared, repeating the entire process.
However, If this is the way its going to be for quests or something like that, I guess it can't be helped then.
Re: Right click their feet.

Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:10 am
by Joe M.
We'll see if we can figure out a good way to address this problem.
Re: Right click their feet.

Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:05 am
why not just have a option so pleople can choose?
enable = like its now when it pops up and lasts / fades or w/e it does after 3secs.
disable = u right-click on player and it shows for X seconds.
Re: Right click their feet.

Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:56 pm
by Richard. UK
I honestly like the way it is right now, let me explain why.
In reality, if someone isn't on your screen why should you be able to see their name for a prolonged time? i.e right clicking a passer by with a message saying who it was for a long time. In fact, I think that hovering over with the mouse allows you to easily see who you are attacking because lets face it 90% of the time you are left clicking to target someone or something thus effectively hovering over the person or monster.
In Xenimus I found it very annoying that I did not know what monster I was attacking and found it annoying to keep right clicking them to see what they were. he way our system is at the moment I think this solves that problem perfectly, you always know who you are clicking on, you can make no mistakes attacking someone based on appearance and you will generally see that after a while you start to get used to the system how it is and the benefits of it over time.
Re: Right click their feet.

Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:09 pm
by Tseiga
Richard. UK wrote:In reality, if someone isn't on your screen why should you be able to see their name for a prolonged time? i.e right clicking a passer by with a message saying who it was for a long time.
When you click their feet the name shows up, if they trans away the name leaves with them. Since once you click it resembles a timer, you seeing the name at their feet for 3 seconds before it disappears, they could trans back and forth on and off of your screen and the name would be visible to you for three seconds. Ex. If you're chasing someone (often in pvp) for whatever reason, it only takes a split second to click their feet, and if they trans when it first appears you've got about two more seconds to trans up to them and still see the name before needing to click again, since it hasn't disappeared yet.
Richard. UK wrote:In Xenimus I found it very annoying that I did not know what monster I was attacking and found it annoying to keep right clicking them to see what they were. he way our system is at the moment I think this solves that problem perfectly, you always know who you are clicking on, you can make no mistakes attacking someone based on appearance and you will generally see that after a while you start to get used to the system how it is and the benefits of it over time.
If you don't know the name of the monster you click it. Index finger to attack and middle finger to see one name. Memorize it and that's all there is to it. If you're hunting monsters around your level like Hell Knights or imps you're going to be doing it for a while so being surrounded by the same monsters only calls for one click or at the most two or three names to memorize for that area, and once you're strong enough to hunt stronger mobs you do it again. You make it sound time consuming or inconvenient whereas you're clicking anyway to attack the monsters so there's no unnecessary functions.
Re: Right click their feet.

Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:56 pm
by Richard. UK
I really don't know what your post was about to be honest, found it hard to make out wether it was in agreement or disagreement. Anyway, my point remains that in most modern games you will hover over a player to see their name. Xenimus is extremely dated in that sense. These adjustments within Evidyon currently are tweaking the small elements which tend to have a greater impact on the age and feeling of the game.
I never understood right clicking anything to see their name, and if they transed away in reality you would not have a clue who that person was if people could actually do that, as it would be so lightning fast that you would not be able to reckognise them so effectively prolonging names being displayed makes no sense in my opinion. It should be available when you are actually able to target, and if they move around super quick then it just makes it harder for you to determine who they are.
And that point about getting so used to what monsters look like?, well thats great if you have the same players playing in and out year on year with no HUGE expansion to monsters and content. This is where Xenimus had no need to think about these things Evidyon is picking up on. Evidyon will be expanding alot larger than what is probably predicted, and the content to stand for it. Hense the need to see exactly what on earth you are fighting and discovering.
Re: Right click their feet.

Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:30 pm
by Joe M.
I think the current system works well enough, but I would be interested to see if giving the name-fade a short duration after the mouse moves away would work better.
Re: Right click their feet.

Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:34 pm
by Tseiga
I apologize for any lack of clarity in my last statement. I have to agree with your most recent statement, Xenimus is outdated. I also agree that when Evidyon begins rapidly expanding to include more monsters and content, what players will need is an ease to immerse themselves in these new features without major conflicts and complications. I believe the best solution to this debate is to include a feature that allows players to choose whether or not they want Evidyon's current feature (your preference), or Xenimus's current feature, (my preference).
Re: Right click their feet.

Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:46 pm
by Richard. UK
Joe M. wrote:I think the current system works well enough, but I would be interested to see if giving the name-fade a short duration after the mouse moves away would work better.
I tend to agree with you Joe as this may possibly provide or recreate a Xenimus-ish feeling whilst not feeling dated. Although I think that the name is locked to the base of the character and not the cursor which I don't know if that makes much difference to most people? Would be nice to test out though
Re: Right click their feet.

Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:35 pm
by marzuku
Richard. UK wrote:Joe M. wrote:I think the current system works well enough, but I would be interested to see if giving the name-fade a short duration after the mouse moves away would work better.
I tend to agree with you Joe as this may possibly provide or recreate a Xenimus-ish feeling whilst not feeling dated. Although I think that the name is locked to the base of the character and not the cursor which I don't know if that makes much difference to most people? Would be nice to test out though
should be locked to the cursor tbh, cause what if the person transes by you quikly.. hmm no wait cursor stuck on the player yes so that you can pop up several player names.
And why? like some one else said, wouldnt it be kinda creepy not knowing who just transed by you, and the game is obviously about thrill so.. TA DA? heh