No Models Displayed-cannot support indexed blended animatio

Here's the debug info:
.\volucrisclient.cpp(50): [INFO] Executing state "Startup"
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(97): [INFO] Using "NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GX2"
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(168): [WARNING] This computer's hardware doesn't support indexed blended animation; using software device to compensate
.\acquireresources.cpp(95): [INFO] TODO: Make sure the media file is the correct type
.\acquireresources.cpp(154): [INFO] evidyon.gme - successfully loaded 62 images
.\acquireresources.cpp(190): [INFO] Loaded the font (2), title (36,37) and GUI (29) textures
.\acquireresources.cpp(951): [INFO] Max vetex blend matrices: 4
.\acquireresources.cpp(952): [INFO] Max vertex blend matrix index: 255
.\acquireresources.cpp(1020): [INFO] Rendering mesh 0 / 9 >> texture group 0 / 1 >> in software
And so and so forth.
Monsters and player models still aren't showing up. Spells and sounds work though. I'm trying different things over on my end to troubleshoot, but no avail. Any thoughts?
Models were showing up at one point....can't figure out why they stopped.
.\volucrisclient.cpp(50): [INFO] Executing state "Startup"
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(97): [INFO] Using "NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GX2"
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(168): [WARNING] This computer's hardware doesn't support indexed blended animation; using software device to compensate
.\acquireresources.cpp(95): [INFO] TODO: Make sure the media file is the correct type
.\acquireresources.cpp(154): [INFO] evidyon.gme - successfully loaded 62 images
.\acquireresources.cpp(190): [INFO] Loaded the font (2), title (36,37) and GUI (29) textures
.\acquireresources.cpp(951): [INFO] Max vetex blend matrices: 4
.\acquireresources.cpp(952): [INFO] Max vertex blend matrix index: 255
.\acquireresources.cpp(1020): [INFO] Rendering mesh 0 / 9 >> texture group 0 / 1 >> in software
And so and so forth.
Monsters and player models still aren't showing up. Spells and sounds work though. I'm trying different things over on my end to troubleshoot, but no avail. Any thoughts?
Models were showing up at one point....can't figure out why they stopped.