Wow! Lots of stuff to respond to here, so I'll try not to ramble. I've read everything, but I'm only writing about stuff I have direct answers to.
Fury is missing it's tooltip.
Wrath is missing it's tooltip.Fixed.
Fury also seems to have a random buff duration I don't know if this is a bug or not.Should last 30 seconds.
It's been said before in another post that Fury seems overpowered. I would have to agree in some aspects (thinking of PvP of course) Fury could be quite overpowered. But I would also have to disagree with this suggestion as well. I say Fury's lifesteal percentage could be tone down a percent or 2, but nothing more than this. Fury is really the only ability that even makes the warrior have the chance of leveling up.Looking at my code, this is definitely true. Right now fury's life steal is set to "10" in the editor. This was supposed to be a %, but I never divided by 100 so you're actually getting 10x life steal. Happy accident?
This has also been said in another post want to bring it in here. Warriors 2h damage is quite crap to be frank.Fixed.
Strength seems to be a pointless stat.Thanks to something I stuck in to debug, it was. This has been fixed. Testing with a level 7 warrior wielding a club, 10 str ~ around 10 dmg, 18 str ~ 20-25 dmg, 25 str ~ 40 dmg. Difference should be even more noticeable at higher levels. Same goes for intel--that wasn't working either.
I see that Whirlwind is based on the speed of your weapon. That is great but I think that Whirlwind should be a base speed and not be too fast like when I dual wield weapons I can spin insanely fast or not too slow like when I wield a 2h weapon. I think an equilibrium between both will make it a lot more balanced. It really is more beneficial to dual wield Whirlwind than it is to 1h/shield WW or 2h WW. I would think that it shouldn't matter what you use, Whirlwind should be the same speed. I don't if this was intentional or just a bug or something.I'll look into this one--the reason I made whirlwind based on the speed of your weapon is so that players who use one weapon type aren't penalized where others get a benefit. Other than speed, there would be no difference between 2h weapons and dual wielding weapons for almost anything, and since figs whirlwind often that's probably not helpful. Try the update that comes out later this afternoon with the str fix and the 2h weapon fix and I suspect this will be less of a problem. Ditto for the whirlwind being weak issue.
The south catacomb dungeon shouldn't be geared towards casters only. I feel that you alienated the warrior class with this dungeon.I understand. Look around more. I made sure that warriors could go anywhere a mage can in that dungeon--and you'll probably find some places they missed while you're at it.
I think that the XP penalty should not apply when I fall down a crevice trying to leap onto our out of my guild geosid. Frankly I think that this is stupid to get a 5k penalty just because I am not a caster and can't trans my way onto or off of this plateau. I can leap, but even then it's cutting it WAY too close. I would suggest having a bridge of some sort or at least make the land a little bit more close for my leap to be safely on the other side each and every time.Not being able to trans is a limitation of being a warrior type. Once trans wands become more available I suspect this won't be such an issue. You already don't lose gear when falling down a pit--would you rather lose that than xp? It's one or the other. Otherwise, pits are pointless annoyances rather than dangerous map features.
I feel that I should not drop my equipment that I currently have equipped when dieing ... please look into reworking this system it would make the game A LOT more enjoyable.Let me first say the way this system works: you drop items based on your alignment. If you don't pk, your alignment goes up and you will drop fewer items if you die. Eventually you'll have a 70% chance of keeping all of your items when you die, and a 30% chance of dropping just one single item. This hasn't been obvious so far since a player's alignment starts out so low for new characters and it takes a few days to increase. I would like to keep the current system since it discourages mass PKing, and allows people to seek revenge on those who do (since the mass pkers will drop lots of items when they die, you're encouraged to hunt them!)
Now, there is something else I have to address: currently, one or more of your items might disappear when you die. I changed the way death drops work and didn't thoroughly test it, so there's a big issue with items disappearing. This makes it look like you're dropping more items than you actually are! I am fixing this right now, and it'll go up with the new update this morning.
The other fix I will implement is to raise the default alignment of new players to a level where they will not drop many items on death.
That's about all the suggestions that I could think of I might have more later. Thank you for your time in reading this. This thread will keep being update throughout the beta.
Thanks for providing your comments in the way you have. Making them concise and grammatically correct is a good way to encourage me to read them.