
I've been progressing on the Unseen Data/Template Library, which is basically a simple way for to designate information in a way the computer can understand. It's designed in such a way that any kind of data--from NPC dialogue to dungeon layouts--can be specified. I'm going to teach you about it a little so that in the near future, you'll be able to create basic maps for BtR using only notepad.
First, there are two very basic concepts:
Sorry this wasn't very long--I have an Economics test over three chapters I haven't read tomorrow, so I need to go review. If you have any questions or suggestions, ask!
First, there are two very basic concepts:
- templates - Describe a collection of data. Everything from the name of each piece to its type (see below) and size. Think of these as blueprints.
- objects - Fill a template with data that the program can use. We'll be dealing with these.
- STRING - A string is simply words, numbers and symbols contained in double-quotes, such as "Ahoy, mate!"
- DWORD - A positive integer. Don't worry about what the name means. Just know that these values can only be positive.
- FLOAT - Any number, positive or negative, with decmial digits.
- Curly Braces, such as "{" and "}" indicate groups of data that should be processed together. If this phrase reminds you of templates, great! They are used in both templates and objects.
- Angled Brackets, the "<" and ">" symbols, indicate an ID number. These are generally very long and contain both letters and numbers. Don't worry about what they mean, for now.
- The Semicolon, last but not least, is probably the most important and easy-to-forget symbol. ";" is always placed at the end of a statement. We'll get into these further next time.
Sorry this wasn't very long--I have an Economics test over three chapters I haven't read tomorrow, so I need to go review. If you have any questions or suggestions, ask!