New Song + General Updateness

Tonight I had a few free hours and pumped out this for a boss/raid scenario. Tomorrow I will tweak it a little bit and upload a final .ogg version to the ftp. Any feedback is appreciated. ... c/raid.mp3
Next up I'm collaborating with Link on music for his dungeon, "Temple of Darkness." After that I'll do 2 or 3 more pieces, then get some more sound effects done.
Also, tomorrow I'll talk to SilverT and see if he wants to get back into doing this as well. ... c/raid.mp3
Next up I'm collaborating with Link on music for his dungeon, "Temple of Darkness." After that I'll do 2 or 3 more pieces, then get some more sound effects done.
Also, tomorrow I'll talk to SilverT and see if he wants to get back into doing this as well.