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item drop bug

Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:22 pm
by ascent
okay me sankt exo and umm i dunno who the 4th party was, tested drops from player deaths
we noticed that tyler NEVER (i literally mean NEVER) drops items when he dies, we figured it was due to ratio with how many items you have on
we put 1 item on a level 1 and killed it, each time it dropd the item, so Karl i'd like you to look into Tyler incase of glitching, or bug abuse, theres no way he can die 50 times and not lose anything..
Re: item drop bug

Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:40 pm
by Vapore
There is definitely a bug with dropping items. Sometimes I'll drop nothing and other times I'll drop a lot. Also for some reason I've been able to equip multiples of the same item randomly. For example, last night I was able to put on three enchanted wristbands. Might want to look into that?
Re: item drop bug

Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:45 pm
by Cagen
You can wear 6 items of jewelery (rings, wristbands, necklaces). Upon death you drop your inventory and you have the chance of dropping 1 items.
When you die each item you wear will "roll a 6 sided die" in turn until an item rolls a 1, then that item will drop. Once an item has dropped the system stops so you only drop 1 item at a time, there is a possibility of nothing dropping, though very low (you can do the math).
The bug that appears to be around is that Tyler drops no items, no matter how many times he dies.
Re: item drop bug

Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:14 pm
by ascent
pay attentio nto his gear for one day, and watch how many times he dies
Re: item drop bug

Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:48 pm
by Summoner
I was the witness of Tyler and one of the ones killing him. I'd say it's a glitch he's found to abuse in some sort of way. The only proof I have is that I've killed him quite heavily due to him trying to attack others as well as myself and he seems to never drop any items.
I know I have had him to drop one pair of boots, although I cannot recall what type of boots they were. After that he never dropped anything else. Killed him around I'd say at least 15 times with nothing being dropped. The guys account needs to be further investigated to find the problem I'd say.
Re: item drop bug

Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:02 pm
by Burnt Ferret
the other person was me. And yeah, i have seen Tyler drop only 1 thing in a countless number of deaths.
Re: item drop bug

Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:21 pm
by deathstalker
ok since tyler isnt here to defend himself i will.
if there is a problem with itme drops it isnt because
he is doing something that he isnt suppose to.
it is a game thing. i have died and not dropped ne thing
then i have died and dropped all but my weapon.
not sure what is causing this,but it diffently needs to be
addressed.tyler is only 13 with very limited computer
knowledge.i know everyone is going to say well he is 13
but not his mental compassity. see he has alearning
disability so he may be 13 in actual age but his mental
cability is only age 6. so whatever is happing we need to find out
and it needs addressing. but i can assure everyone that it is
not anything that tyler is doing.
Re: item drop bug

Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:32 pm
by prehistoric