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as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:47 pm
by iprogz
What would you change in xenimus to make it able to hit the shelves ?
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:25 am
by Karl G.
I haven't played recently, but I can easily recall the normal gripes about Xenimus: not enough items, world isn't big enough, it's boring to level, problems with cheating, and the new spell system isn't as much fun as the old one.
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:54 pm
by deathstalker
well has someone that played xenimus since day 1 of it hitting the internet
i can remeber when figs ruled xenimus. and the people on there were alot nicer.
i think the main problem with xenimus right now is ej is undecided about the
direction he wants the game to go in. the biggest issue is whenever he test
a character and someone comes along and pks him he gets mad and
changes the way that stats work.which would be good but if you do
somrthing so that chars can reset their also use to be alot harder to \
level on xen but now tou can get level 25 in a day. so leveling holds no value
now.and y do you have non drop non trade gear when you have magic
bags this just doesn't make any sense.i mean he has alot of work to do
to get this game out in stores.their are alot of problems with the game
and ej isn't very friendly on the game or in person. he always thinks
that someone is out to get him. im not bashing him just posting my opionion.
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:40 pm
by Cagen
deathstalker wrote:well has someone that played xenimus since day 1 of it hitting the internet i can remeber when...

Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:56 am
by Sankt Pauli
Haha this thread leaves me with humorous images.
It starts with iprogz being ej and ends with the funny-paragraph-dude being one of the *cough* 'pkers' on here.

Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:00 pm
by Richard. UK
If iprogz really is EJ.
I must echo the following statement with all my heart.
Karl G. wrote:I haven't played recently, but I can easily recall the normal gripes about Xenimus: not enough items, world isn't big enough, it's boring to level, problems with cheating, and the new spell system isn't as much fun as the old one.
And then echo the following,
EJ. Thayer wrote:If you don't like it then Quit.
And then realize exactly why we are all so engaged with Karl's excellence in keeping everyone happy within reasons.
All the Best,
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:41 pm
by 9sam1
iprogz wrote:What would you change in xenimus to make it able to hit the shelves ?
Transfer it over to Karl
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:38 am
by Draco
LOL that's exactly what I was thinking as I was reading that post.
There's really no small things that can be done to make Xen hit any kind of shelf except by burning it on a CD and throwing it.
Xen has gone so deep into a state of fubar that it would take a ton of programming and revamping a lot of different aspects of the game to make it good.
Fixing all of the problems with xen, getting a really good customer service going, redoing the entire xen website, adding better graphical interfaces, having an actual STAFF work on the game and help with player relations, ect... the list goes on, there's just so much.
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:29 pm
by ascent
one thing to make it hit shelves... go back in time and slap ej before he maked GvE then steal his computer and kidnap him, then give karl his comp so he can fully code the game and not gay it up

ej is the only reason xen is in the toilet, he only listens to himselve and doesnt even care about his players, he seems to think "pfft players? they mean nothing i make the game not them"
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:33 pm
by Rabit561
ascent wrote:one thing to make it hit shelves... go back in time and slap ej before he maked GvE then steal his computer and kidnap him, then give karl his comp so he can fully code the game and not gay it up

ej is the only reason xen is in the toilet, he only listens to himselve and doesnt even care about his players, he seems to think "pfft players? they mean nothing i make the game not them"
Best quote Evar!!!!!
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:53 pm
by Tseiga
I wasn't there during the early days, but the first time I played was about 5 years ago. The GvE wasn't the best choice out there under Ej's guidance, and there were multiple times where the -gogood/-goevil command was enabled and disabled. Following one of the times I lost a great friend/leveling partner to the evil side and it made things difficult, although we still kept great ties.
One thing I do think we should use is the ability to turn our character's ability to pk on and off. Of course someone will still be able to kill you if they enable it, but it prevents certain accidents from happening if you're not trying to pk at the point and just grinding. Attacking a mob with a multi spell and, for ex., a lowbie exploring the area transes by and gets killed in the crossfire leaves room for misunderstandings. Also, pking would then always be a conscious act, and never done accidentally unless you leave your pk mode on carelessly, and people that didn't care for the system could leave it on all the time anyway.
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:55 pm
by marzuku
Tseiga wrote:I wasn't there during the early days, but the first time I played was about 5 years ago. The GvE wasn't the best choice out there under Ej's guidance, and there were multiple times where the -gogood/-goevil command was enabled and disabled. Following one of the times I lost a great friend/leveling partner to the evil side and it made things difficult, although we still kept great ties.
One thing I do think we should use is the ability to turn our character's ability to pk on and off. Of course someone will still be able to kill you if they enable it, but it prevents certain accidents from happening if you're not trying to pk at the point and just grinding. Attacking a mob with a multi spell and, for ex., a lowbie exploring the area transes by and gets killed in the crossfire leaves room for misunderstandings. Also, pking would then always be a conscious act, and never done accidentally unless you leave your pk mode on carelessly, and people that didn't care for the system could leave it on all the time anyway.
1.i agree with all of you.
2. if Ej is iprogz(which was the first thing i thought of when reading) then he is somehow desperate after finding a solution to how to stop Karl before his game is completed.
3.the command -monsters/-all was a brilliant thing which i also agree we should keep.
What made Xen Hardcore was the risks and cheating them, which is why Evidyon will own Xen, and Ej will be owned by Karl.
when people see this game is finnished they will flock like seagulls to a rotten rat carcas!
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:44 pm
by Rabit561
Bumping old useless threads are we now? lol
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:36 am
by marzuku
Rabit561 wrote:Bumping old useless threads are we now? lol
Resistance is futile!
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:53 pm
by Karl G.
Haha and why not?
We do need -all/-monsters. Added to the list.
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:41 pm
by Tseiga
Karl G. wrote:We do need -all/-monsters. Added to the list.
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:03 am
by marzuku
Insanity prevails YET AGAIN mwuahahahha!
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:58 pm
by Tseiga
Blame the pepper. I think Marz passed it around...

Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:35 am
by Rabit561
Tseiga wrote:Blame the pepper. I think Marz passed it around...

I tried something like that once.. A really awkward looking pepper at a fair, I bought it (not thinking much of it) and took a bite of it.. Just total MUNCH, and the pepper like EXPLODED everywhere, and I was in a crowd and it got on everybody (including myself and My FACE)
My face burned for 2 days straight >.<
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:54 pm
by Tseiga
Wow..and ouch.
Re: as old schoolers of xenimus ?/

Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:55 pm
by marzuku
i didnt eat the pepper, im part colombian, I AM THE PEPPER!