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drop item bug???

Sun May 10, 2009 6:47 pm
by Forlorn
This happend only once, just a few min ago I was on the town square and I dropped a crystaline armor as a proposed trade, for a diff item. And lol it just went poof! Now I have not had serious problems with this, because i drop trade items all the time. I just wanted to let you know that this particular time my item never actually made it to the ground.
Re: drop item bug???

Sun May 10, 2009 7:53 pm
by Karl G.
There are a couple things that could do this. It's definitely possible that there's a bug in the drop code, so I'm not ruling that out. However, disappear-on-drop is a much stronger indicator that the item was duped (intentionally or not) and was returned to its rightful owner. Where did you get the item? What had you been doing with it just previous (i.e. did you log in with it equipped? in storage? did you drop it before? just find off a monster? etc.)
Thanks for your help solving this.
Re: drop item bug???

Sun May 10, 2009 8:39 pm
by Forlorn
found it hunting spirits below GY this morning. It was most def. not duped.. =/
O and i took it out of storage.. dropped it to show for a trade and POOF never even made it to the ground.