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Postby Part-Time Modeler » Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:16 am

While down in the dungeon I got stuck in a wall and could not move no matter were I clicked, nor could I trans out, even though I could see where I needed to trans. The problem was that I got stuck and was being attacked without knowing where the golems were, the creatures disappeared from my screen when I partly entered and got stuck into the wall.
Most of the time I was able to just click around a little bit and get out of the wall that way, but this time it did not work, it was tooo late.
:evil: The worse part of the deal was that I dropped the Earth Emblem when I died, just happened to be the only thing that I dropped. :evil:
Of course I went back for it but, could not seem to pick any of my items up. I tried for 20 minutes to get that dang Earth Emblem back, but had no success.

I guess what I am trying to say is, Could there be a way to make walls completely solid in game, unless they are secret entrances, so that a player is not able to even slightly venture into them.
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Part-Time Modeler
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Re: Walls

Postby Joe M. » Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:19 am

Sounds like you got stuck in the entrance to a secret passageway. That's happened to me once or twice. Because the passage is so narrow, it can be difficult to find the right spot to click to get unstuck, and creatures hidden in the passage can often attack you while you can't see them.
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