-name of monsters? F.ex Blue dragons(gibberish)
-some kind of cordination of where the spot is? f.ex South west, north east etc.
will be fun seeing who finds the best spots and coolest monsters.
Moderator: Karl G.
Glorfindelus wrote:Agreed, I'm stuck for another 5 hours.
Glorfindelus wrote:Well, I searched everywhere (including past the Valk room and tested the geosid a couple times). Nothing new as far as map space.
strafe of x2 wrote:LOL niccce
there is some area that i just found a mark to that everyone that went hadnt seen its pretty tough
ven wrote:Lmao At the exact moment Pre-Beta came out I told my girlfriend I would only play for a little bit, because I just had to play it. Then I ended up playing for a couple of hours, and because of that she left my house because I made her sit there alone lmao.
Vapore wrote:ven wrote:Lmao At the exact moment Pre-Beta came out I told my girlfriend I would only play for a little bit, because I just had to play it. Then I ended up playing for a couple of hours, and because of that she left my house because I made her sit there alone lmao.
Morn wrote:Vapore wrote:ven wrote:Lmao At the exact moment Pre-Beta came out I told my girlfriend I would only play for a little bit, because I just had to play it. Then I ended up playing for a couple of hours, and because of that she left my house because I made her sit there alone lmao.
My reaction was more in the Sad to Pathetic range...
marzuku wrote:Morn wrote:My reaction was more in the Sad to Pathetic range...
his girlfriend is pathetic then lol, my gf goes crazy about my attention until she gets it, lol the wierdest things have happened, lets leave it at that!
ven wrote:...lol women....
Stick Stickly wrote:I didn't take a screen but the geoside northeast of spawn square sent me to a place completely surrounded by the black wall block off stuff. Not sure if it's unexplored or not but I couldn't find my way out lol. Had crawlers, ocean monsters and hounds. I marked it but I believe I can't port yet. If this sounds familiar/explored please lemme know, thanks!
Stick Stickly wrote:Little mini islands everywhere too.
When can I port as a warrior?
Stick Stickly wrote:I didn't take a screen but the geoside northeast of spawn square sent me to a place completely surrounded by the black wall block off stuff. Not sure if it's unexplored or not but I couldn't find my way out lol. Had crawlers, ocean monsters and hounds. I marked it but I believe I can't port yet. If this sounds familiar/explored please lemme know, thanks!
Morn wrote:Stick Stickly wrote:I didn't take a screen but the geoside northeast of spawn square sent me to a place completely surrounded by the black wall block off stuff. Not sure if it's unexplored or not but I couldn't find my way out lol. Had crawlers, ocean monsters and hounds. I marked it but I believe I can't port yet. If this sounds familiar/explored please lemme know, thanks!
Is this an unnecessarily big walled in area with land barely strewn out among the water? this sounds like it could be the wilderness I showed you Marzuku.
Btw Marzuku, I found what we were looking for. Go to where you go when you decide to pussy out of combat. Try the left wall, just below where you arrive.
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