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Game Mechanics: Spells

Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:01 pm
by Vitriol
I think that the older spell system is better.
A spells power should be a function of (base spell power), (character level), (character class), (one or two stats), (skills), (small random factor)
A level 12 warlock's Lunae Lumen Nex should be much weaker than a level 16's Lunae Lumen Nex, given a similar build, even though the spell is the same.
I think its a good idea to have spells that are class specific. Spells should be granted automatically at level up, with some exceptions for special spells that can be found/earned/whatever.

Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:06 pm
by thadiusofx3
Good idea and point.
The algorithm for calculating the damage of a spell/hit/skill should be based on several factors.
For example, take moonbeam as you were saying.
It should take into account Base Damage, Source Character Level, Target Character Level, Target Character AC, resistances, item's that give protection, the 1 or 2 base stats for that class/spell, skills, and a small random factor.
I know it sounds like i just repeated you but thats not what i was trying to do lol.

Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:10 pm
by Vitriol
haha thats ok, Im just trying to lay out the basic concepts here before people start suggesting craziness. I personally think Defence against damage should be COMPLETELY seperate from the power forumla.
The game calculated the raw damage from the spell, and then factors in the targets defence.

Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:18 pm
by thadiusofx3
Is there a difference?

Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:20 pm
by Vitriol
Well sure. I dont think the target's defence should be in a spell's damage formula at all. Its an order of operations thing.

Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:23 pm
by thadiusofx3
Whats the difference in (base spell power, character level, character class, stats, skills, random) = spell damage, actual damage = spell damage together with opponents AC, stats, etc
and (base spell power, character level, character class, stats, skills, random, opponents AC, stats, etc) = actual damage?

Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:26 pm
by Vitriol
If there is any multiplication involved in the formulas at all, the order matters.
It should be like
(Spell power forumula) - (targets base defence formula) - (Targets special defence formula[against spells and such) = damage dealt.

Fri Dec 22, 2006 9:32 pm
by thadiusofx3
Just a list of some spells from the xentales msg board for reference:
Mederi - Level 1 for clerics, and 4 for everyone else
Adgredi - Level 1 for wizards dunno what for everyone else(never used it on anyone else)
Venenum - Level 1 for warlocks, dunno what for everyone else
Ignis - Level 3 for all
Flamma ventus - Level 5
Glacialis ventus - Level 7
Vis Flamma ventus - Level 8
Vis Glacialis ventus - Level 10
Creare Porta - Level 11
Multi Animagicus - Level 11
Lunae Lumen nex - Level 12
Divinus Tueri - Level 12
Magnus Almus - Level 13
Infinitus Tueri - Level 18(egg)
Fragor Ipsum - Level 20(wizard only)
Praesentis Trans - Level 24
Fragor Adgredi - Level 27
The rest im not positive about but they were something around this(correct them if they are wrong)
Magnus Vastare(blue bomb) - Level 35
Dirus Sidus - Level 45
Crossbeam(dunno true name) - Level 55

Fri Dec 22, 2006 9:38 pm
by Serenity
I dont know if it would hinder gameplay at all but give figs creare porta speel at later levels much like insta?

Fri Dec 22, 2006 9:45 pm
by Vitriol
Vis Mederi (clerics)
Adgredi Animus (not animus adgredi) Evil beam (clerics only)
Os Saltare - level 9? 10? somewhere around there
Arcessere Flamma - same level as Os Saltare? one more?

Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:40 am
by Astral
vital must have spell to
be Old School xen
Multi Animus Nex - Mind blast that owned lvl 8-9 got it
lvl 22 fast mb
lvl 26 fastest mb
for wizzards

Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:41 am
by Astral
Dirus Radius was X beam
back in the day

Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:52 am
by Karl G.
Dirus Sidus was crossbomb i think

Mon Dec 25, 2006 3:47 pm
by Ender
Fragor Ipsum - Level 20(wizard only)
Praesentis Trans - Level 24
Fragor Adgredi - Level 27
Crossbeam(dunno true name) - Level 55
some corrections:
Ipsum - Thought it was 19, but not 100% sure on this.
Prae - Level 22
Fragor - Level 24 for Wizards, Level 27 for everyone else
Crossbeam - Level 52
And fast beam was lvl 20 and 25 I thought.

Mon Dec 25, 2006 8:36 pm
by thadiusofx3
ipsum was 20
praesentis was 22

Tue Dec 26, 2006 12:24 pm
by Nick
I think all the beams should be moon beam, the same size and clerics get beam again.

Wed Dec 27, 2006 2:11 pm
by Vitriol
Nick wrote:I think all the beams should be moon beam, the same size and clerics get beam again.
although I somewhat agree, I think it was a good idea to give moonbeams only to witches/warlocks and give wizards their own unique beam spell.
I think it might be cool if Radius was just heavy damage, but moonbeam was slightly less damage but with somekind of dibilitating effect.
As far as clerics go, we could give them beam back, but we could also make it a holy beam that deals extra damage against evil.
Just ideas.