Details on Melee and Weapons

I'm not sure if this has been covered, however I think it would be a good idea to discuss how melee weapons should work.
What I've noticed about Xenimus is your swing is based upon agility, while damage is based upon strength... and well it kinda makes sense.
However. Your rate of swing wasn't different if you were swinging an Axe, a Mace or a Sword.
I know that I can't swing an Axe as quickly as I can a Mace... Axes are generally heavier than a simple spiked Mace. I think that weapons should have a basic weight that actually effects the ability to swing them. Heavier weapons generally do more damage so that would compensate a little for not being able to swing them as quickly.
So now you throw in another element for Melee characters to decide on. Do I want to have higher strength so I can wield heavier weapons. Or should I focus on lighter weapons and go for repeated strikes to take down my enemy. The more strength one has would judge how easily he can swing it...
This is my opinion how Strength and Agility should work.
A fighter can add strength to wield heavier weapons and to swing them faster. If he were to add agility instead of strength... he wouldn't exactly be gaining an ability to swing them faster... but with the added agility he would be able to aquire more weapon skills..
A fighter can choose to focus all on strength and use brute force and heavy weapons to crush his enemy.. Or on the opposite end of the spectrum one can focus all on agility and use weapon tactics and quick manuvering to wear an opponent down. Or one could shoot in the middle and create a well rounded fighter type. One who does solid damage... and has enough weapon skills to hold his own.
If weapons had weight this would help create really unique fighter types instead of those who just set agility to a level to swing at a certain pace and then max out strength to do that much more damage.
What I've noticed about Xenimus is your swing is based upon agility, while damage is based upon strength... and well it kinda makes sense.
However. Your rate of swing wasn't different if you were swinging an Axe, a Mace or a Sword.
I know that I can't swing an Axe as quickly as I can a Mace... Axes are generally heavier than a simple spiked Mace. I think that weapons should have a basic weight that actually effects the ability to swing them. Heavier weapons generally do more damage so that would compensate a little for not being able to swing them as quickly.
So now you throw in another element for Melee characters to decide on. Do I want to have higher strength so I can wield heavier weapons. Or should I focus on lighter weapons and go for repeated strikes to take down my enemy. The more strength one has would judge how easily he can swing it...
This is my opinion how Strength and Agility should work.
A fighter can add strength to wield heavier weapons and to swing them faster. If he were to add agility instead of strength... he wouldn't exactly be gaining an ability to swing them faster... but with the added agility he would be able to aquire more weapon skills..
A fighter can choose to focus all on strength and use brute force and heavy weapons to crush his enemy.. Or on the opposite end of the spectrum one can focus all on agility and use weapon tactics and quick manuvering to wear an opponent down. Or one could shoot in the middle and create a well rounded fighter type. One who does solid damage... and has enough weapon skills to hold his own.
If weapons had weight this would help create really unique fighter types instead of those who just set agility to a level to swing at a certain pace and then max out strength to do that much more damage.