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Weapon/Armor Level Requirements?

Sun Dec 24, 2006 8:06 pm
by lawn gnome
as i remember, the old xenimus didnt have any requirements for armor or weapons apart from strenght and other special things. Will Volucris be the same way or are you going to make it like the new version of xenimus? (personaly i liked the old xen cus you could have pimp gear at lvl 1)

Sun Dec 24, 2006 9:38 pm
by thadiusofx3
If you check one of the other posts there is a discussion going on about this.
Basically what we have right now is a level "recommendation"
What this means is you can wear any item at any level, however the farther away you are from the "recommendation" the less effective the item becomes.
For example lets say your character was level 30 and you put on an armor that had a recommendation of level 40 and 60 protection.
You are 20/30 = 75% of the recommendation therefore you will only have 75% of the effectiveness of the armor.
(This means instead of giving you 60 protection, it will give you (60*.75) = 45 protection.
I think this is probably a good solution at this time.

Mon Dec 25, 2006 6:00 pm
by Skitari
the question is; will lvl 34 req om leather be more or less effective than requirement met lvl 18 mystic armor. o.O

Mon Dec 25, 2006 8:26 pm
by thadiusofx3
lets say level 18 for the character
18/34 = ~53
so the 60 protection ominex leather gives ~32 armor
while the highest mystic armor is 30 protection