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What's up, date?

Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:24 pm
by Karl G.
- Underground log-off/-on shows aboveground terrain
- Items pulled from storage disappear
- Items disappear in general
- Fix HP/MP equations
- newly created chars have stats reset and no way to reassign them
- stats of lvl 26s broken
- Raise max lvl and stop EXP gain
- scroll reset
- speed boosts broken fixed again
I've done a bunch of testing to make sure this update isn't as sh!tty as the last one. Sorry about that :/
In this update, you'll have to reassign your stats. Also, try making a new character. I'm trying out starting characters with a lot more HP than they used to have. I think this will let new players participate more easily right from the start, since they can pvp without 1-hitting each other, hunt monsters with more variable damage, and I can increase the range of weapon damage, armor and spell damages. I leveled a few chars to 4 to try it out, and I thought it went pretty smoothly.
Re: What's up, date?

Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:28 pm
by Joe M.
Re: What's up, date?

Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:24 pm
by sourceofprovidence
Still having random items go poof? Logged off in a dungeon and logged back on 1 hour laater and all the gear was gone.
Re: What's up, date?

Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:39 pm
by Joe M.
I think that's related to the server doing weird things rather than the
other random-item-killing bug.

Re: What's up, date?

Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:40 am
by Karl G.
I may have found the crashing bug, and I upped the server's rate of backups so if anything does go wrong you'll lose fewer items. Also, speed is fixed.
Re: What's up, date?

Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:28 am
by Sex4Cash
Was about to post "well, I'll try and crash it today", then thought nah, I'll just see what happens. Logged on and within 2-3 mins its down again.
Re: What's up, date?

Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:02 pm
by Karl G.
haha yeah so....this is actually a bug that the other crap was hiding. there's an infinite loop occurring ... somewhere ... !
This kind of bug is a huge pain in the bum to find. With a debugger? 5 seconds. But of course, it never happens on my machine! Without a debugger? I have to sift through thousands of lines of loop code >.<
Re: What's up, date?

Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:05 pm
by Joe M.
Would it be at all reasonable to assume that it's a loop you added in 2.11?
or at least to start your search from those loops?
Re: What's up, date?

Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:06 am
by Karl G.
I think I may have found it!
Re: What's up, date?

Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:00 am
by Karl G.
Today's Update:
- I may have found the freezing bug. The only real way to know is if it doesn't lock up again. *crosses fingers*
- I added some new rocks in the mountains to make 'em a little less wall-like
- Sorcs have a new spell to help tackle those tougher baddies
- Reduced the number of trees and plants in the others have noted, it was a tad overwhelming
- Vortex's radius has been reduced and the spell was modified slightly; however, its damage was upped
- Added description for Fireslash
- I might have fixed the Volatus spell (give it a shot!)
Re: What's up, date?

Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:31 am
by Joe M.
Volatus works. The new sorcerer spell is a whole lot of fun. I'm pretty laggy right now so haven't played around much with Vortex.
Re: What's up, date?

Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:05 pm
by Karl G.
I'm laggy too. The server might be doing something wonky, I'm not sure. I installed visual C++ on it to help debug, so maybe I'll try wiping that off to see if speed picks up. Glad to hear you like the spell! =D Not quite a substitute for good ol' Beam, but it's in the works
Re: What's up, date?

Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:08 pm
by Joe M.
it's pretty sweet. looking forward to a proper beam.

did you say you had cleaned up the way the game handles lag?
I'm no longer disconnecting when I get bad lag, and I'm not sure if that's b/c of fixes on your part or just b/c I moved to a wired connection and am getting a more stable connection to the server.
and, I hate to say it, but there's still an item bug: items are disappearing from death stacks. Full description in the bug list.
Re: What's up, date?

Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:17 pm
by Karl G.
I didn't do anything to fix lag (unless I fixed it by accident....which would be odd).
WAIT! Actually, I may have fixed it by accident! There's only about 25% of the scenery now, so maybe your compy's having an easier time loading it.
The choppiness in-game is due to the server's hard-drive being badly fragmented. I took the server down to run defrag; should be back up in a minute.
Items are disappearing from death stacks eh? I'm on it! At least they aren't disappearing from storage anymore

Re: What's up, date?

Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:19 pm
by Joe M.
no kidding! Also, I'm heartened that the only time today the server went down, it wasn't the loop. I think you may have fixed it!
Re: What's up, date?

Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:46 pm
by Karl G.

Also, the choppiness is still there. I'll uninstall stuff this evening to see if that fixes it. Gotta get back to skool stuff.
Re: What's up, date?

Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:16 pm
by sourceofprovidence
nice direct damage spell