Moderator: Joe M.
ubern00ber wrote:Also, Karl, before you release any sort of Beta version, there's plenty of hacks that still exist in the game(like, for example, transing onto any coordinate on the map, althought I haven't tested this one lately... maybe you fixed it) and stat point hacks... You should start implementing server-side checks for anything and everything that is generated on the client. All clicks, spell casts, character-creation stat points(well, you did half of what's needed for this one.. there's still something you missed out) have to be secured before beta.
Good luck with it all Karl.
ubern00ber wrote:I wanna eventually see what your packet structure is like(namely, the packets sent for updating the positions of everyone on screen). The reason for this, mostly, is that I remember back when I played that it would get REALLY laggy if a lot of enemies were on screen(like, far more laggy then it would ever in xenimus with that number of enemies). I worked on XPS for some time and fully discovered EJ's packet system and I must say that his is not bad at all and that the creation of a system sort of similar to his would probably help that lag.
Like, for example, how many bytes does each "actor" on the screen take up in the packet when they are, for example, idling? or attacking, etc.
ubern00ber wrote:Anyway this is what you missed as far as stats go:
20 + 16 + 19 + 16 + 19 = 90 = 15 points more then I should be allowed to have...
You basically did checks to make sure that every stat is within its range(10-20 for strength, for example) but did not check to make sure that the total number of stat points is 75.
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