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Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:54 pm
by Ratiotile
Tenative list of skills. Feel free to suggest anything that is missing.
- Code: Select all
+Ferocious Attack
+Battle Rage
+Lethal Attack
+Sneak (remain hidden while moving)
Melee Weapons
Shortswords & Daggers
Throwing Weapons
+Bow Mastery
+Weapon Tactics
+Weapon Mastery
+Defense Tactics
+Defense Mastery
Magical Items(wands)
Magic (Theory)
Energy Devotion
Spirit Devotion
Fire Devotion
Ice Devotion
Shadow Devotion
Magical Defense
Translocation Magic
+Resist Magic
Energy Resistance
Spirit Resistance
Fire Resistance
Ice Resistance
Shadow Resistance
+Resist Mastery
+Shadow Aura
+Flame Aura
+Omni Shield
Skills marked by "+":
I think that some skills, like the battle skills and special magic skills should be only available to certain classes or when granted by talent. There would be a talent for each skill that makes the skill appear in the skill window when chosen. Talent system is in progress, rate should be about 1 talent every 2-4 levels.

Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:02 pm
by ziggman
ah HA heres where i recomend getting rid of Nightvision and Invisiblity! if we are going to have certain places where nv does not work. why not get rid of it 100%? hide skill would take the place of invisiblity. something each class should beable to do, for a short period of time. and ranger and thieves would have stealth so they can move around. with out being seen.

Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:25 pm
by JSunJShineR
i like going invis, ninja style, woot! i have no nv, that is a HUGE concern with me.. seriously if there is no NV I might not consider playing unless there is something to counteract it... Maybe Invis only invises you from people below your lvl?(NV only makes u see people below you.) but of course you can senses them. maybe no spell NV but only on a helmet? or opposite. there should be places where it IS possible for NV but it isnt as effective so its like using a 60 watt bulb for a light instead of a 150 watt not as bright. Sneak should be implemented as a skill to help the player in a raid for sneaking a dealing extra dmg to boss's or just enemies in general. this way the fighter could tank while a cleric heals then mages beam. and a rouge comes up and sneak attacks for a bonus's. Also there should be options of teambuffs. such as pally buff.(i know i got off-track but i think they are all possible idea to implement into the game and could work in a possitive way.)

Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:26 pm
by Ratiotile
I think that the point of invisiblity was to give mages a way to hide, since they are spending all their skills on magic. Naturally magical invisibility, being easier to obtain, was easier to defeat.

Sat Aug 04, 2007 2:38 am
by ziggman
what about having it work so you can be invized but when a lit or unlit torch pole comes into view anywhere on your screen inviz comes off, this would prevent people from running around towns invised and dipselling people.... generaly being a tard. and it would also allow noobs to hunt in places with torches so they can maybe catch a pkers name before the pker transes away.
idont know if that would a great solution
over the years i noticed ej has created day/night... and candles/torches. but 99% of players on xen have night vision. so its almost like useless programing. im not saying it is. i like the idea of experienceing days and nights. different, harder monsters at night. night should be a kind of scary time, and you shouldnt beable to see well.
if this junk dont make sense, its cause im tired.

Sat Aug 04, 2007 9:36 am
by Karl G.
day/night is essentially meaningless in xenimus because of nightvision. can we get rid of that?

Sat Aug 04, 2007 11:36 pm
by Vitriol
Karl G. wrote:day/night is essentially meaningless in xenimus because of nightvision. can we get rid of that?
I think we should keep it. It adds a little bit of realism to an already artificial world. Plus, special events can occur at certain times of day. And if you decide to add shadows, it will make it easier to tell what time of day it is.

Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:09 am
by JSunJShineR
no shadows on units such as characters or monsters.. just trees and buildings.. I dont want anymore lag when i gave 50 enemies lol.

Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:52 pm
by Ratiotile
We can create a new spell to detect invis, and keep nightvision, which will do only what it's supposed to do. And make it so that helmets don't all prop nightvision.

Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:58 pm
by Nenitus
if you dont want invis so that people dont go around town and dispell you - simple fix - you can't dispell while invisible. (except yourself.)

Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:28 pm
by Paz the Spaz
Maybe it could be like active camo in halo: if you dispell while invised you get uninvised automatically. However, I still don't have any idea what should be done about morons that simply do not care, such as lord gregorious leveling at agi shrine at lvl 40+ and dispelling anyone that came in, to level or to shrine. . .

Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:56 am
by joeafro
how about for the NV thing, dont impliment a spell, nor have it be a prop on a helm...
but make a specific helm you need to wear in order to have night vision? or even a constant white pearl effect would be cool.