First Step
Just out of interest you know character creations, looking further into the future, would it be possible to say display a visual model of the character you are going to look like in a little window with a little mock up terrain underlying it.
From this character customization, only minor really, nothing to go into too major. But with any character model.bmp, there is editable typical features such as hair colour, eye colour??, face?? and possbly naked type?? (with no armour). If one model.bmp was say a human, edit this many times to say have hair colour red in one and black in another, same for body types and facial features.
I'm no wizz at programming as such yet

From this users could visually see what they are creating in a little window and just clikc a little arrow to cycle through the different options in regards to their race selection, because obviously you would not want to have a human clothing (Naked) looking like say a lizard or orc (Naked) for example.
I personally think this is a major step forward into entising not only existing and older players of xenimus, but also a newer market of gamers, who like to customize character features also. I know that is one asepct of xenimus which I found a little annoying - but thats my thoughts!
I wonder what your thoughts are guys!...I'm so extatic about this menu...Nobody actually knows the real importance
