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Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:34 pm
by strafe of x2
ok so i got to playing with things and it seems like trans can be some what non-responsive sometimes. not to say that it doesn't work but more of a slow almonst sluggish response not sure if its just that i dont have the agility i need yet or what the deal is anyone got a high agil mage that can trans beam? also if u hit the create port button and then the end task key it doesnt stop it you from the port screen which means u cant cast untill you make a port.
Re: Responsiveness

Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:50 pm
by ffrank
I'm pretty sure every spell has this problem. Mainly responsible for my many deaths. It could be lag.
Re: Responsiveness

Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:15 pm
by Joe M.
Two problems:
1. Responsiveness: Agility does affect cast speed. It might be a problem with this, it might not be. Can anybody else help here?
2. Stop action with portal: I haven't observed this simply because I never use the stop action key. This is a problem. In the meantime, use right-click, which cancels activated spells (although this too may not work with portal--I'm not sure).
Re: Responsiveness

Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:24 pm
by strafe of x2
well i think its the spell delay time or that's what it seems like i will try out the port right click thing. it really messed me up (like 100k penalty) i set the wrong key for it and couldnt figure out what i did lol
Re: Responsiveness

Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:51 pm
by marzuku
Adept magnus doesnt have a problem transbeaming me, he seems to have found out of it, though he finally fell into the pit.
but i have found transers to be unresponsive at quite many occations.
think its easier if you increase the depth of what you can fall before you die, if you have a transer anyway you most likely wont die.. so im guessing its no biggy:)
Re: Responsiveness

Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:56 pm
by ffrank
Sometimes when I level, my character just stands still and I can't do anything for like 3-5 seconds while the monsters beat me to death(depending on what monsters I'm grinding on).
Re: Responsiveness

Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:45 am
by Glorfindelus
You might also want to check there there just isn't lag going on. See if the response time for trans is the same with click/movement. I've had this issue every one in a while, I don't know if it's a problem on my end or the server's.
Re: Responsiveness

Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:18 am
by strafe of x2
well the cast time of the beam is what i think it is which i can solve with just more cast speed but keep in mind its an old bum char lol
Re: Responsiveness

Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:39 pm
by ffrank
I just recently switched back to LAN from wireless and so far so good, no lag or delays whatsoever.