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Align Based Items

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:28 pm
by Axel
I Think there should be some align based items Epic items, Items you canot wear unless you are nuetral, good, or evil.

this opens up a whole new way of looking at gear. Here are some ideas.

I shall produce images of the items at some point.

Here are the Three Align based staffs that alow you to summon a spirit.

Staff of the Wanderer (NUETRAL)
+2 MP Regen
+2 All Magic Bonus
+2 All Magic Protection
+5% HP Bonus

Level 30

Special Abilities:
Summon The Wanderer (Power Based On Level)

- The Wanderer is a Human Druid with strong attack and protection spells.

Staff of the Wicked (EVIL)
+2 MP Regen
+3 All Magic Bonus
+1 All Magic Protection
+5% HP Bonus

Level 30

Special Abilities:
Summon The Ripper (Power Based on Level)

- The Ripper is Deamon with strong Melee and shadow skills.

Staff of The Protector (GOOD)
+2 MP Regen
+1 All Magic Bonus
+3 All Magic Protection
+5% HP Bonus

Level 30

Special Abilities:
Summon The Protector (Power Based on Level)

- The Protector is a holy spirit with strong healing and melee skills

Re: Align Based Items

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:35 pm
by Karl G.
I like the idea of alignment-based items, but I'm trying to avoid cutoff limitations because I feel they make the game less fun.

For example, if you can't wear an item at all because you're not neutral, that kinda sucks. Instead, I'd implement a system where you can wear it while lawful or chaotic (see my post on alignments that I'm about to make--not exactly the same as good/evil) but you get less of a bonus--or perhaps even a determent--by doing so.

Re: Align Based Items

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 6:09 am
by Richard. UK
Hey Karl and Axel,

I have just been thinking (I know, me thinking? hide!) what about one specific item in the game, which its actual attributes are align based, say the something along the lines of:

The Staff of the Mighty

Improves its attributes as you get higher alignment towards the good side, becomes extremely powerful when fully aligned good. When evil, is extremely weak.

The Staff of the Devil

Improves its attributes as you get lower alignment towards the evil side, becomes extremely powerful when fully aligned evil. When good, is extremely weak.

Lol obviously the names of the items are just for demonstrating.

All the best,


Re: Align Based Items

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:55 pm
by Slayne
Awesome idea. Seems a little complex to possibly program? i dunno but that would rock.

Re: Align Based Items

PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:22 pm
by JSunJShineR
how about items have align themselves and you can use those items to kill enemies and increasse their align in the direction you choose.

i dunno something along the lines of what we've already said is pretty cool