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Things to Keep(ressurect)

Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:44 pm
by logitech
OLD Xen Feel List...
The following will be options we can vote on to see if we should keep or change...
Please add and i will update accordingly.
-Spells/attack on square
-Walking when agil under a certain amount/running when above
-Square legs on chars(plate mail)
-Old Pl8 mail look
-Emphasize getting exp hunting wizies instead of imps...
-not having to type "port" to go through other peopls ports
-old look of demons...
-being able to attack run, press shift, and glide
-That merchant that sells decent gear for an extremely high price...
*Edited 2/8/07, added to list*
-Old look of volucris
-Gear should be sold at the old price-Old mystic bone mail look.
-reflect damage like the old days too,
-Old ground texture, the scracthy type
-Old Font
-No map
-Old skill system
-no new rings (keep teuri, salb, salt, ani, vennenum ring *forgot name*...etc)
-Regular egg levels
-emphasize death square (isntead of cons)
*Edited 2/9/07, added to list*
-All old rings:
Scientia Ring
Salubris Ring
Sautaris Ring
Tueri Ring
Ring of Contravenenum
Vis Animus Ring
Vis Mederi Ring
Vis Tueri Ring
Omnispiritus Ring
-being able to have explicit and awkward names
-map that you uncover as you walk through, like rts's...
-no battle moves
-Cons merch/list items not pictures...
-amp up exp from ogres(to take away emphasis on imps)
-old skelle w/f sword look
-sanctus scrolls
-13 wis for read (or mayb go far enough back where you could add reading as skills)
-old lightning leather look for EVERYONE, not just humans.
-no cast speed
-old gnome look
-castles (by t3 etc...)
-scallion clerics/pallys (if not for the first 2 weeks, to create rarity in the breed)
-gold only!
-low prot (ej pumped up prot on gloves/shields)
*Edited 4/7/07, added to list*
-White potion/star for pvp
-NO no-trans zones
-Animus Rings
Please make more suggestions!

Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:45 pm
by logitech
if you dont already have a place for things like this alone, can you sticky this?

Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:41 pm
by Necromadon
-Spells/attack on square
-Walking when agil under a certain amount/running when above
-Square legs on chars(plate mail)
-Old Pl8 mail look
-Emphasize getting exp hunting wizies instead of imps...
-not having to type "port" to go through other peopls ports
-old look of demons...
-being able to attack run, press shift, and glide
-That merchant that sells decent gear for an extremely high price...
I don't think imps should EVER be in game.
-port is kinda dumb, if this concept is added it should be a choice
-HELL YES to old look of Daemons
-Old look of volucris
-HELL YES to attack run glide, but that was a bug so it might be hard to redo lol
-Gear should be sold at the old price. Ej cut selling prices in half.... so stupid.
-Old mystic bone mail look.
-Yes to square, should reflect damage like the old days too, sure it was annoying but it was Essence De Xenimus
-Old ground texture, the scracthy type
-Old Font
-NO MAP (annoying, but essence de Xenimus, you had to know your way around and it should be that way with the new map. This leads to more exploring, more fun, and better game play)
-Old skill system
-Merchant Ayor w00t

Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:04 pm
by Joe M.
I like the map. It certainly led to more exploring for me. Since I never really spent long periods of time on xen, I never really got to know the areas. So I'd look at the map, find an area I didn't know ("hey, I wonder what's on that island?"), and go check it out. I'd usually die, but it was a lot of fun. Any way, certain areas could always not show up on the map, if they needed to be hidden.

Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:12 pm
by kuba
being able to have explicit and awkward names without becoming another bob.
*explicit may be asking a lil to much

but you get the idea, being allowed to use spaces and ambigious symbols and such.

Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:32 pm
by logitech
ya lol exactly...

Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:34 am
by Karl G.
Names can already have symbols in them.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:48 pm
by 9sam1
having the old ground and taking out map is stupid, the game wont be more fun by making it shittier.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:54 pm
by logitech
these are all ideas... there not final obviously...we will vote on the master list later...

Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:08 pm
by Necromadon
9sam1 wrote:having the old ground and taking out map is stupid, the game wont be more fun by making it shittier.
The map is stupid, what's the point in exploring if it's all mapped out for you.
The old ground texture is part of the essense of old Xen, that's what this project is all about.
Also, the ring you're thinking of is ring of contravenenum (rcv, oh god I haven't heard that in soooo long)
All old rings:
Scientia Ring
Salubris Ring
Sautaris Ring
Tueri Ring
Ring of Contravenenum
Vis Animus Ring
Vis Mederi Ring
Vis Tueri Ring
Omnispiritus Ring

Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:12 pm
by kuba
i cant recall what this old ground texture looks like, anyone have any pics?

Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:13 pm
by 9sam1
Necromadon wrote:9sam1 wrote:having the old ground and taking out map is stupid, the game wont be more fun by making it shittier.
The map is stupid, what's the point in exploring if it's all mapped out for you.
The old ground texture is part of the essense of old Xen, that's what this project is all about.
Also, the ring you're thinking of is ring of contravenenum (rcv, oh god I haven't heard that in soooo long)
All old rings:
Scientia Ring
Salubris Ring
Sautaris Ring
Tueri Ring
Ring of Contravenenum
Vis Animus Ring
Vis Mederi Ring
Vis Tueri Ring
Omnispiritus Ring
old ground looks like poo, i have no problem with the fact that xenimus has gotten better graphics over the years, its the change in gameplay i didnt like. I think the map wouldnt be that bad, it dont show whats there just shows where grass is and stuff and where islands are, it sucks having to swim for hours to find all the islands lol.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:16 pm
by Necromadon
9sam1 wrote:Necromadon wrote:9sam1 wrote:having the old ground and taking out map is stupid, the game wont be more fun by making it shittier.
The map is stupid, what's the point in exploring if it's all mapped out for you.
The old ground texture is part of the essense of old Xen, that's what this project is all about.
Also, the ring you're thinking of is ring of contravenenum (rcv, oh god I haven't heard that in soooo long)
All old rings:
Scientia Ring
Salubris Ring
Sautaris Ring
Tueri Ring
Ring of Contravenenum
Vis Animus Ring
Vis Mederi Ring
Vis Tueri Ring
Omnispiritus Ring
old ground looks like poo, i have no problem with the fact that xenimus has gotten better graphics over the years, its the change in gameplay i didnt like. I think the map wouldnt be that bad, it dont show whats there just shows where grass is and stuff and where islands are, it sucks having to swim for hours to find all the islands lol.
If you don't like the grass you can change textures anyway, but I'm sticking with the fact that the map is utterly stupid.

Sun Feb 18, 2007 1:15 pm
by Vitriol
well, Attack run and spin are fairly new things to xenimus for me. When I played fighters hunted by manually clicking on everything and killing it. Not just spinning around all day. But I think it makes fighters more interesting so keep it obviously. the "gliding" is a glitch.

Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:01 am
by danjr
You forgot Animus ring. This was the ring that added MP, not like the Vis, that speed up regen.

Sat Mar 31, 2007 12:35 pm
by Wycas
For map thing i got good idea (i think) u should have a map without island or poo on it but after u explore it u can see it on map it will be great so if u dont explore ull not have a map

Sat Mar 31, 2007 9:00 pm
by Neorift
White Potion and Star for pvp? NO MORE NO-TRANS ZONES!

Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:59 pm
by Seak
I dont think i would like 2 pvp on sq.... cause wat if u have 2 go afk real fast or sumthing... loose all ur gear

sucks balls

Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:13 pm
by Nenitus
They don't mean you can be killed on a sq. They mean the old style rules:
- you can attack something off the square from on it. (and do damage)
- your damage is reflected upon yourself if you attack someone on square.

Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:49 pm
by Karl G.
Exactly; otherwise the SQ would really not mean anything...

Tue May 22, 2007 4:15 pm
by a_link_to_the_past
Alright, Here is my opinion about some things. Cons needs to disappear... I am all for bringing life back to the death square. As for game graphics... I don't think reverting back to the old ones will help game play. In fact I believe that the repitition of the scenery needs to be taken care of.
I think what made xenimus decay was the repetition of everything, I mean really.. all you do now is lvl up, and then fight higher lvls... There are no rewards for exploration... Treasure Chests are next to pointless except for your pulls... why did he put so many of them on the game if all you can ever get out of them besides your pulls are "magic staff, white pearls, leather armor" If you can make it through difficult dungeons and make it to a treasure chest... then you should be rewarded imo. There is just too much blank space on the map....

Wed May 23, 2007 12:10 am
by Summoner
I figured I'd post it in here, Volucris looks great! Looks as if it's coming along greatly, I wish y'all the best while you work on the production of it.
Also something to add, It would be pretty cool if you could add more classes and races. Not sure if anyone has said this, but I mean do this in over time. After the game releases, be like other games. Minor download expansions which add classes and races.

Wed May 23, 2007 12:20 pm
by Sega Rally Pownz
Summoner wrote:I figured I'd post it in here, Volucris looks great! Looks as if it's coming along greatly, I wish y'all the best while you work on the production of it.
Also something to add, It would be pretty cool if you could add more classes and races. Not sure if anyone has said this, but I mean do this in over time. After the game releases, be like other games. Minor download expansions which add classes and races.
Great idea.

Wed May 23, 2007 12:52 pm
by ziggman
I think what made xenimus decay was the repetition of everything, I mean really.. all you do now is lvl up, and then fight higher lvls... There are no rewards for exploration... Treasure Chests are next to pointless except for your pulls... why did he put so many of them on the game if all you can ever get out of them besides your pulls are "magic staff, white pearls, leather armor" If you can make it through difficult dungeons and make it to a treasure chest... then you should be rewarded imo. There is just too much blank space on the map....
i agree xen it too much the same thing lvling and pvping... xen has a total of 4-5 good quests... and pulls suck! never gotten a good pull in 3 years...
there should be a map screen you fill in yourself. roads between citys should be mapped but nothing else.

Wed May 23, 2007 1:44 pm
by Karl G.
PV will definitely focus on exploration and keeping things new & fun