Intense amount of lag

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Intense amount of lag

Postby Stick Stickly » Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:29 pm

I'm not sure if it's been expressed or the topic has been covered but the serious amount of lag the past couple days is ruining the game experience. I'm 20+ and can't even level in ogres due to lag killing me multiple times. I've had over 30k debt due to lag. Can someone enlighten me as to why there is so much when 2+ are on and when is it going to be fixed?
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Re: Intense amount of lag

Postby marzuku » Sun Nov 08, 2009 2:00 am

Stick Stickly wrote:I'm not sure if it's been expressed or the topic has been covered but the serious amount of lag the past couple days is ruining the game experience. I'm 20+ and can't even level in ogres due to lag killing me multiple times. I've had over 30k debt due to lag. Can someone enlighten me as to why there is so much when 2+ are on and when is it going to be fixed?

this has happened before, has to do with some stupid minor mistake in the patch last time i think.
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Re: Intense amount of lag

Postby Part-Time Modeler » Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:13 pm

It is being worked on. Karl and I are going to test out the transfering of the server to a deticated computer at my house.
Once he gets a moment of free time.
The server subscriction expires this month, so it will be taken care of.
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Re: Intense amount of lag

Postby LEXIC » Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:26 pm

So what is with this new kind of massive lag when you are chatting in game. It seems your character lags out for like 3 seconds when someone is about to say something locally or globally.
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Re: Intense amount of lag

Postby Stick Stickly » Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:09 pm

The gameplay lag also involves chat lag>.>
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Re: Intense amount of lag

Postby Morn » Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:05 pm

There has been no lag all day today.

Didn't want to post this, but it occured to me that if this wasn't the result of a fix, the Devs will need to know when it stopped so they can know what happened
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