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Thu May 07, 2009 3:18 pm
by Forlorn
YO Karl it would be awesome if you could make it so spinning is more fluid.. like when I hunt and get mobbbed on im used to spinning as fast as I can in xen to kill them...when i do this in evid I end up spinning a lot but not hitting anything untill i slow down. It would be awesome to have spins work like the do in xen because it works =D lates
Re: SPinning

Thu May 07, 2009 4:07 pm
by Joe M.
It's on the bug list.
Re: SPinning

Thu May 07, 2009 7:43 pm
by sandalhat
And what about the casting delays in the spells. It makes it hard to med out of damage or spam damage spells fast enough to be efficient. Or rather not efficient, but it was cool how in xen it was as fast as you could hit the button and click. Oh, and it made transing alot faster and cooler too. Anyone agree?
Re: SPinning

Thu May 07, 2009 7:45 pm
by Forlorn
agreed sounds like these things will happen they just need to be polished
Re: SPinning

Fri May 08, 2009 3:05 pm
by Karl G.
Forlorn wrote:agreed sounds like these things will happen they just need to be polished
Yep! Stick with us, it'll be all smoothed out.