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Hours and Hours in the Airport

Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:09 am
by Karl G.
So, I was supposed to fly back on Sunday but after 4 planes had "mechanical problems" our flight was canceled. I spent 9 hours in the airport yesterday and another 7 (so far) today, so I've had a lot of time to code. As a result, I'm done networking the main menu screen and PV has a login server that is up-and-running. It can hold characters (create and delete), manage accounts (create, retrieve, change password), process logins, give out current/max player information and handle disconnections. I'm finalizing that process right now and will be cleaning it up in the next week or so...after I do my homework and find some food. Hooray for having no groceries on the first day back after a trip!
Just out of curiosity, has anyone found new textures/models for the project? Also, where is silvert? I've got the OGG library set up on my computer and I'm ready to add his stuff to the game fairly soon.

Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:40 pm
by lawn gnome
SWEET! so im guessing there will be a playable beta out in a few weeks?

Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:57 am
by ziggman
suck tho man i know after 1 hour of thoes crappy airport chairs my bum hurts, i can only imagine 16 hours.. ow. lol
with my new baby and stuff i dont have alot of time to test what textures i make. ill throw as many as i can yourway. but they will be as my last ones were (not tested). i have background textures/window textures/ button textures i think they look pretty good, if u like blue/black/silver. ill post them tomrrow. the background to one of them i got from xentales. the blue crack background. so i dont know if u would want to use it.

Thu Jun 28, 2007 11:10 am
by Karl G.
I'm hoping to have something resembling a beta out by the end of the summer (2 months). After all, I'd like the beta to be something other than a glorified chat room (if I had more time--I'm swamped with homework from my summer class--I'd have that out this weekend).

Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:06 pm
by ziggman
take ur time a rush job can lead to many mistakes/bugs, i would rather wait to play a good clean game, then one that crashes everytime i click on npc or something.
on that thought can u make it so guards dont hate you? if u hit them. i konw alot of people who tried xenimus gave up same day because the guards attacked them over and over and over....
can you make it so guards will only take damage from hated chars, and will not attack or do dmg to a good char?

Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:06 pm
by ziggman
take ur time a rush job can lead to many mistakes/bugs, i would rather wait to play a good clean game, then one that crashes everytime i click on npc or something.
on that thought can u make it so guards dont hate you? if u hit them. i konw alot of people who tried xenimus gave up same day because the guards attacked them over and over and over....
can you make it so guards will only take damage from hated chars, and will not attack or do dmg to a good char?

Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:08 pm
by ziggman
lol dumb computer! im telling ya i need a new one!

Thu Jun 28, 2007 3:12 pm
by Karl G.
fixed the triple-post
Oh and yes, the guards definitely will not be able to hit noobs like that

Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:58 pm
by Vitriol
Do we even need guards? There were no guards in old xen and things were fine.