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UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:28 am
by Burnt Ferret
Since there is a lack of an up-to-date, comprehensive file for models and textures, I decided to create this post. Feel free to post what the current models are and I'll try and keep this as updated as possible. Any models done by yours truly, are done with as few polygons as possible, as most of these weapons and whatnot are going to be scaled down considerably on your character, and most likely, you won't notice too much of a difference detail wise.
DirectX conversions can be found here: more models come in, I'll make sure to make this post a bit more legible and easier to navigate through. But for now...
A house/building I quickly drew up:

My rendition of a dragon sword:

Some sort of Stave:

Wooden Staff:

Brick Arch:

Spiked Fence:

Wooden Fence:

Rusted Helm:

Dragon?/Leather? Helm:

Rusted Sword:

Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:53 am
by Cagen
Ew at the Xen textures heh.
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:58 am
by Karl G.
Sweet staves! Want to email me the .x?

Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:12 am
by Burnt Ferret
Finding textures for the house other than that stone was incredibly hard. I thought the texture i found for the roof looked good, and nothing i found for walls worked.... so xen textures it was. I could easily change the textures for the weapons too. I just need to find a rather extensive texture bunch. Feel free to recommend some.
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:49 am
by Cagen
Heh the house was alright, its the mystic, red and blue colours from Xen I don't like

Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:24 am
by Karl G.
DUDE that new staff and other parts look *awesome*
Send me the models in .X along with the textures and I will put them into 1.11

Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:31 am
by Burnt Ferret
There is a link that I posted toward the beginning of the first post, and within that folder, there are the direct x files along with a folder for the xen textures and a folder for the new textures I am using too. The new textures may need to be edited down.... They are kind of ginormous.
I am also thinking of creating a basic site to better navigate and visualize what is there. Who knows... Depends on if I really get more into this or not.
hope you guys think my models are alright. I am still getting accostomed to blender, it is sort of like the programs I am used to, though I am beginning to like it more and more. It is starting to make the 8 and 10 thousand dollar software my company dumped on me look like crap.
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:56 am
by Joe M.
I like!
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:44 am
by Karl G.
Sweet!! Thanks

Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Thu Oct 02, 2008 2:26 pm
by Burnt Ferret
let me know if they work Karl? I wasn't too sure about it when I exported them.
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:34 pm
by Karl G.
They seem to work great! I do have some comments though:
Can you separate the mystic staves into different files?
Can you make the spiked fence in 2 versions: one with only a single upward spike in the center, and one with no upward spike? Also, would you make the spikes a bit thicker so that the crossbars go completely through them, instead of sticking out the side like they do now?
With the arch: would it be much trouble to cut half of it off, so that there is only one piece that can be mirrored to create the other side? This is how Xenimus did it and it seemed to work great.
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:24 pm
by Burnt Ferret
Done sir, you can find the updates/addition in my default directory.
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:30 am
by Karl G.
Hey Burnt, I think you misunderstood what I meant for the wood fence. I'd like a section of fence with a *single* upward spike in the center, and one with *no* spikes at all (just the two horizontal bars). This way I can "build" fences in the editor.
Also, did you update the staves or arch? The versions I downloaded are still the same...
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:34 am
by Burnt Ferret
Bah, easy-peasy lemon-squeezy. I'll just chop those guys in half. As for the arch, I DID update it, and I thought I exported it and uploaded it, but it may have not written over the file. I'll try and upload it again.
The staff however.... i ended up saving to a brand new 12GB flash drive. This drive ended up dying within 1 week from me getting it. I'm pissed. Incidentally, it was made in China. Don't know if that even matters, but it seems more and more things made in China are "tainted" in some way. Anyways, I'll just have to re-do something similar. I didn't quite like how it turned out newho, that and cagen didn't seem to like it.
Shouldn't be too long. I plan on drawing up a bunch more after i get home from work today.
*side-note* -- If anybody has any textures, please send them my way. I'm in desperate need of some.
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:22 am
by Cagen
Woah, don't be blaming me lol. I didn't say I didn't like the staves, I just don't like the use of the Xen textures on it

Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:43 am
by Burnt Ferret
Not blaming you, just pointing out that I wasn't too fond of it, and neither was everyone (you're the example) else.
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:01 pm
by Karl G.
I'm pretty sure I have a boatload of good textures and good texture links on my computy at home. I'll post em to you when I get back.
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:52 pm
by Burnt Ferret
As always, Super-Karl to the rescue. Thank you.
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Sat Oct 04, 2008 1:03 pm
by Karl G.
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:15 am
by Burnt Ferret
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Sun Oct 05, 2008 8:00 am
by Karl G.
NICE! Wow, you are really churning them out

I'll definitely be including these in 1.11
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:22 am
by Sankt Pauli
Those look definetely cool, especially the hats and mace. GJ! :]
Now make something with my leathers. ^^
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:45 am
by Burnt Ferret
Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:40 am
by Karl G.
These are great! I especially like the mage hats you did

Re: UPDATED Models, Map and Otherwise...

Sat Oct 25, 2008 2:07 am
by Burnt Ferret