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Not worth playing

Tue May 26, 2009 5:30 pm
by xen01
This game isn't worth playing, if the maker is going to be biased towards one player, just because that one player has no life and is constantly on.
You're worse then ej. Atleast with EJ no one got special treatment.
I will leave knowing how many times I raped all the chars talking poo, (screenshots to prove it) when the game was actually fair.
Even with bitches disping, and teaming. You all got dropped, the followers of the no life having, malicious, provoking, fat-bum carnage.
Re: Not worth playing

Tue May 26, 2009 5:37 pm
by Joe M.
(1) This is not a game yet, this is an alpha test.
(2) Nobody's getting special treatment. We've never handed favors out. It's unfortunate that you feel we are biased, or even that we would have any interest in being so.
(3) I have no doubt that you killed Marz and others fairly many times, and that he and others killed you fairly many times themselves.
(4) If we had been interested in taking sides, we could have easily banned you. Instead, when this rivalry between you and Marz became a serious problem, we implemented an alignment system that applies to everybody equally, and explained its behavior clearly so that nobody would be taken by surprise. That seems pretty fair to me.
(5) Perhaps you should return for the Beta test, when Evidyon will be a playable game instead of an alpha test, and there will be both more content and more players to enjoy.
Joe M.
Re: Not worth playing

Wed May 27, 2009 6:19 am
by Karl G.
While Joe has clearly addressed the majority of what I was going to say, I'd like to offer a bit more insight.
After this last update, I logged in and there was a new-looking character named Neo on the square. We chatted for a bit about the update, then he brought up a concern to me that Carnage had been massively PKing new players, harassing people, etc. I replied that I had not heard this myself, but would bring it up with him, and wondered aloud if he had maybe mistaken Joseph for Carnage since I had been playing on new characters and experienced Joseph harassing me on several occasions. Neo replied that no, he was sure it was Carnage and that Joseph and given him tons of gear and maybe the person who had been pking me was another player on Joseph. He then launches into a tirade against Carnage and, my suspicions raised, I switch to the admin console to do a check: indeed, Neo and Joseph were on the same account. When Neo realized I knew this, he logged off and I didn't see him on either character again.
xen01, I don't appreciate you trying to trick me. During an alpha test, the only reason we have people playing is so that they can help develop the game by providing feedback and being engaged with the developers.
That said, I don't dislike you at all--if not for your belligerence, the need for an alignment & pk update would probably not have been brought to our attention for some time. If you'd like to continue playing, by all means feel free to do so. If not, we'd be happy to see you at Beta when the community will be much larger, the game will have tons more to do and avatars will be balanced.
Thanks for posting,