
I found something interesting on the Project Entropia website about how their team loot-distribution system is set up. I think they have a pretty neat system we may be able to emulate.
Team Looting
When a team leader creates a team, he also chooses a set of rules that determine how team loot is distributed between the team members (the teams settings window is displayed on the right). The various loot distribution rules are:
Item Distribution
* Damage Decides Order: The team member who inflicts the most damage receives the highest valued item (if present) in the loot, the member who inflicts the second highest damage receives the second highest valued item (if present), etc.
* Leader Takes All: The team leader always receives all items found. Most Damage Wins All: The team member who does the most damage receives all the items present in a loot.
* Queue: The first found item is given to the topmost team member, the next found item is given to the second member, etc, going through the roster of members. The queue position is saved every time looting occurs.
* Random: Any item present in a loot is randomly distributed to a random team member.
Money Distribution
* Damage Determines: Any PED and/or PEC found is divided among the team members, in accordance to the damage inflicted by each member.
* Equal: Any PED and/or PEC found is divided as equally as possible amongst all team members.