Unfortunately, we weren't able to keep user names or the old posts when we moved. But hey, now we have a clean slate on which to draw. Here are my recent sketches:
The Born to Rule client has a really good feel to it. It's pretty slow on older machines, though--I'll definitely have to fix this. After all, if people can't play then there's not much point in having a game. I really like the way that it is coded, however, so there are probably some optimizations I need to do that don't have to do with its coding, but more with its design. Hopefully there won't be too many problems with this.
In the light of our new design model, I'm changing the way the program works a little bit. One thing I recently came up with is called UnseenDT (or Unseen Data Template) that allows anyone to easily design and create data structures. Whoop-de-doo, data, why does that matter? Because maps are just data structures. UnseenDT is very flexible and reasonably intuitive. I think it'd be cool to release a "mapping" version of BtR without content, but with an UnseenDT reader so you guys can make some maps (by typing stuff into a file, for now) and fly around in them.
For now, however, I just have these screenshots from the client to show. Please ignore the ugly and obtrusive chat window.
