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Thu Jul 19, 2007 10:38 pm
by ziggman
Vitriol wrote:Except that level 30 is full evil and can only sell his stuff at one place, exactly where the good high levels will wait for him.
if a evil person is dumb enough to run to the same spot everytime they finnish killing somone, they must be a retard. all they would have to do is drop gear in a safe location and pick it up on a good character.

Thu Jul 19, 2007 10:44 pm
by ziggman
i vote for 1 item equiped + all items not equipped + exp for full death
but there has to be some safeguard against higher levels. if you level 15-16 hunting wizzys some level 30 comes by transes near u spins once ur dead, and just lost your 7p lightning leather... that is not something i would pay for.
we need to implement a system that will allow a victim time to escape, at the very minimum.
Or if redos are made Very comon available at merchants for a price. comon enough that past level 10 you would be wearing one all/most of the time. i would accept a world with out bags... but then again wearing redos makes death near to nothing...
i would lean more tward bags+lsa rather than redo+lsa

Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:11 pm
by thadiusofx3
how about a bag system
no bag = lose all items in inventory and equipment
magic bag = lose 3 random items + inventory | 100% chance to pop on death (one use)
lightning bag = lose 2 random items + inventory |50% chance to pop on death
mystic bag = lose 1 random item + inventory | 25% chance to pop on death
spirit bag = no gear drop (very rare) | 10% chance to pop on death
and bags do not have a chance to fail at all

Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:26 pm
by Blue Tiger
having it where you drop all gear will kill the game so fast it wont be funny. Could have 2 servers, one Hardcore with no bags and a safer server that has bags. Id bet that the safer server would have more chars then the hardcore one. I know im not alone, but if i worked my bum off to get decent gear that takes months to get and then have someone 20+ lvls over me come in 3* invis or something and kill me before i can even react is not fun and id be gone from the game as soon as i could get up and log.
Need proof this will happen? Look on xentales, there are always people saying they are quiting because of losing all their gear, the exact same thing will happen. Would be a shame to make a cool game and make the mistake of not having bags and most ur players gone within 3 weeks.
To me, if I was going to be the one making money off the game Id do what ever to max out my profits and if that means making it noob friendly then i would do it. But hey, if you just want 50 hardcore players then thats your decision no one can stop ya. Id rather have 200 players that play a safe game then just 50 that play hardcore, do the math, its very simple which to pick.
But if you do decide to go with bags I say make it where any char Vitriol makes has a 100% bag failure,

since he wants so bad to recreate a 7ish year old game that sucked, you just didnt know it till ej made it even

Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:36 pm
by thadiusofx3
that's how xenimus used to be and it didn't kill it, in fact it was more popular (and fun) formerly than it is today
I'm not saying don't make it noob friendly, there will be a cushion for newbies, and a lot of help for newbies
and did I not just say lets not argue about whether to have bags or not, but devise a system that would work?

Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:33 am
by ziggman
Im not asking for a cuddly game i would rather play with no lsas than no bags.
most of the time noobs will only have 1-2 good usefull items. and having a bag that only saves 3-4 items out of 10-12! that will not do.
i would preffer exp loss any day over losing good gear.
I dont like your system thadius sry.
how about this..
No bag = lose 2 items + inventory + exp
1 bag = 10% chance u lose 1 item + inventory + exp
2 bags = 1% chance u lose 1 item + inventory + exp.
3 bags = .01% chance u lose 1 item + inventory + exp
it seems you guys want to make it impossible to keep any gear of anykind... why? i hated it witha passion! i would have quit way back when. but ej had just made the (anti pk) server. and it was 100% better. i dont understand why u want a game where everyone is out to rape and murder. and gank ALL of your gear, or MOST of your gear. i think what u guys really missed the most was just being able to pvp anyone at any time.
I do not know ANYONE who acctually enjoyed loseing gear!
the feeling i remember while playing old xen was the feeling that i could get pk at ANYTIME. this was after bags... i think im not 100% sure when i started. as a noob its not a big deal if you lose elven plates, magic axe thoes kinds of thing are easy to get back. its when you get to Mystic leather/ Mystichelms/Lightning leathers even. it becomes very costly to replace if they are 7proped. and if you were anything like me when i 1st started out, i didnt know exactly how to make money fast, so it took me about 2 weeks to get back my 1st 7proped mystic plate. partly because i had just bought it. spent every last gold i had to get it. and was left with out armor for a while... well ok i had magic plate woo hoo.
what im getting at is.. im all for feeling of getting PKED at ANYTIME, that would be sufficent fear in most noobs. but, losing all or even half of your gear gear is just cruel to players.
it would make the game more work than play.
i ask u this... when you see somone die/dead do all thier clothes fall off?
Im not trying to fight, just trying make a vaild point about where i stand on this subject.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:00 am
by thadiusofx3
We'll just have to try different things and see what happens.
Of course people don't enjoy losing gear, no one does, but no one likes the guy who hordes all of the good gear, or the 1 person that has that 1 of a kind armor that will never be traded.
How many of you that want bags played before there were bags?

Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:23 am
by Ratiotile
thadiusofx3 wrote:how about a bag system
no bag = lose all items in inventory and equipment
magic bag = lose 3 random items + inventory | 100% chance to pop on death (one use)
lightning bag = lose 2 random items + inventory |50% chance to pop on death
mystic bag = lose 1 random item + inventory | 25% chance to pop on death
spirit bag = no gear drop (very rare) | 10% chance to pop on death
and bags do not have a chance to fail at all
Or how about a tiered system:
magic bag = saves items level 12 and below, as common as they are now (3 gold)
mystic bag = saves items level 20 and below, about as rare as a redo (10 gold)
spirit bag = saves items level 30 and below, like white elixer rare (50 gold)
ominex bag = saves every item, as rare as black sapphire (1 plat)
This way noobs can afford bags, and high levels don't want to die and lose an expensive bag.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:42 am
by 9sam1
thadiusofx3 wrote:We'll just have to try different things and see what happens.
Of course people don't enjoy losing gear, no one does, but no one likes the guy who hordes all of the good gear, or the 1 person that has that 1 of a kind armor that will never be traded.
How many of you that want bags played before there were bags?
Me, And let me tell you why it was fun back then
1. It was new to us
2. we didnt play long enough to care about the items we had, i remember finding a lightning scale at lvl 3 and not giving a damn, i just ran straight to skells and got killed and dropped it.
The game wasnt fun because of gear loss, sure it was fun to GET gear from someone you pked, but not to lose it. There needs to be bags or some kind of way to protect your gear. Not all additions to the game where bad, i remember when bags where announced i was so happy, and i know i wasnt the only one
Or how bout this aidea, When you get killed you drop inven and lose exp, but the pker gets your exp, so if i pk someone and they lose 30k exp, ill gain 30k exp.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:34 am
by Nenitus
I don't really care about how many items you drop/whatever. The goal is
don't die
But uhh it should have protection against high lvl mass pk spree.
Something like
if pker is > 15 levels, drop no items (unless you attacked first)
if pker is > 10 levels drop only non-equip
if pker is > 5 levels drop 1 random item
if pker is >3 levels anything goes.
so mr. lvl 10, pked by a lvl 25 will lose nothing.
pked by a lvl 20 will only lose their potions,
and pked by a lvl 15 they'll only lose 1 of their items.
then when its closer in level (a "real" fight) anything goes, you could lose all your items, you could lose only 1 or 2, or whatever rule is decided.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:23 pm
by Vitriol
Project Volucris *is* about making a game with old xenimus atmosphere. Safety was not a part of the game.
Blue Tiger, Ziggman, if you dont like it just go back to xenimus guys. We ARE the hardcore players. Yes, I want people to drop their stuff.
Thadius even that bag system is too forgiving.
Nenitus something like that could work.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:29 pm
by ziggman
i am mainly asking for some protection against high level mass pkers.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:39 pm
by Vitriol
THen nenitus's suggestion would be adequate.
Let us say if someone is 15 levels higher than you then you lose no items.
And if they are anything less than 15 levels higher then everything gets dropped.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:14 pm
by thadiusofx3
It's really too early to decide on something like this
We don't know how many levels will be in the game, how hard it will be to reach them, etc.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:14 pm
by Ratiotile
Vitriol wrote:THen nenitus's suggestion would be adequate.
Let us say if someone is 15 levels higher than you then you lose no items.
And if they are anything less than 15 levels higher then everything gets dropped.
You know that you don't stand a ghost of a chance against someone 14 levels higher, right?

Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:19 pm
by Vitriol
Ratiotile wrote:Vitriol wrote:THen nenitus's suggestion would be adequate.
Let us say if someone is 15 levels higher than you then you lose no items.
And if they are anything less than 15 levels higher then everything gets dropped.
You know that you don't stand a ghost of a chance against someone 14 levels higher, right?
Fine. Lets have a game where no one ever loses anything. No gear, no xp, nothing. ANd when you start your character you have have a full spirit set sitting in storage for you. Oh and you dont have to level either, you just click a button to level up when you want to. Oh and you cant die either.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:32 pm
by Ratiotile
Vitriol wrote:Fine. Lets have a game where no one ever loses anything. No gear, no xp, nothing. ANd when you start your character you have have a full spirit set sitting in storage for you. Oh and you dont have to level either, you just click a button to level up when you want to. Oh and you cant die either.
Hey, that sounds like WoW! Seems like it's pretty popular.
Okay, instead of everyone jumping to conclusions and giving extreme examples, lets have some constructive discussion.
I feel that the only problem with what you propose is a poor noob getting one-shot PK'ed. There's nothing he could have done that would save him. The problem is that it is hard to find gear again. There are 3 possible solutions:
1) some sort of magic bag system
2) not dropping items when below a certain level of killer
3) make it easier to find level-appropriate gear.
Just make it so that monsters drop their gear too. If I kill a player in spirit, he drops it. If I kill a spirit witch, I want that spirit leather!

Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:46 pm
by Blue Tiger
Vitriol wrote:Project Volucris *is* about making a game with old xenimus atmosphere. Safety was not a part of the game.
Blue Tiger, Ziggman, if you dont like it just go back to xenimus guys. We ARE the hardcore players. Yes, I want people to drop their stuff.
Thadius even that bag system is too forgiving.
Nenitus something like that could work.
Whos "we"? theres like 4 ppl that have said they liked no bags. This game shouldnt be designed to please just you 4. You are so stuck on making an exact copy of an old crappy game that you cant even open your mind and look ahead and see how it would effect the future. some protection will be needed or alot players will slowly dissappear.
Are you to blind to see how mad and upset people get when they lose all their gear on xenimus, and it even has bags, just think if there is no protection at all. People are quiting all the time because of losing their gear, do you actually think making a game based on you always losing your gear will actually work for long? Not to mention the people that would have high lvl gear would be to scared to even wear it anywhere off sq, high lvls playing in l leth and blood axe sounds awesome!

Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:00 pm
by thadiusofx3
I'm sorry, for a second I thought this project WAS about making xenimus how it used to be. My bad...
project volucris main page wrote:About Project Volucris
This studio aims to resurrect the original gameplay of Xenimus, and to recreate the intense, addictive and fun experience that game had in its prime.
I don't know if you're reading the posts or not but we have been giving ideas where you don't lose all of your gear every time you die.
There has to be gear circulation though or the game becomes stagnant. Yeah I got mad when I lost gear in xenimus, but it just made me want to play more and level up so I could kill that bastard that killed me. It made me want to play MORE not less.
I think the level gap idea is probably the best right now, except make it like 10 levels, so that (except in the early levels) you can't get 1-hit by someone, and you actually have a chance to get away.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:07 pm
by Vitriol
People will be buffered from higher levels until level 5 anyway. I dont expect to see many level 4s running around on the newbie island killing level 1s.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:11 pm
by 9sam1
You guys need to understand that old xen pretty much sucked, it seemed fun since we where noobs and it was all new to us. Things like bags are essential to the game.
No bags= No pvp
Hell no bags will probobly make people stop wearing good gear at all, everyone will probobly just stay in magic gear all the time cause there afraid of losing there good poo.
No fucking way in hell am i ever stepping off the tile with a 7p spirit leather knowing that if i die ill lose it all.
with no bags pv will fail horribley.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:22 pm
by Ratiotile
thadiusofx3 wrote:I think the level gap idea is probably the best right now, except make it like 10 levels, so that (except in the early levels) you can't get 1-hit by someone, and you actually have a chance to get away.
Yes, and rework damage to HP so that one-shot kills are impossible.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:28 pm
by 9sam1
then people wouldnt pvp there own levels, and what about teaming, what if 3 lvl 50s all jump a lvl 40 something, thats just as unfair as a high level going after a lvl 15.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:32 pm
by thadiusofx3
those are issues that the players are gonna have to deal with

Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:48 pm
by Vitriol
All of you are far too concerned about what will happen when you are a high level. What do you THINK a high level will be in project volucris? What was a high level in old xenimus? Talking about level 40s and 50s?
And just as a side note: no bags wont kill pvp. There are arenas in xenimus, and almost no one uses them because its safe to just pvp anywhere. Xenimus is far to safe nowadays. The purpose of PV is to bring the danger back. And any danger without losing gear is just shallow.