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Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:13 am
by Karl G.
...are going to kick bum! I have set it up so that I can control monsters as groups or individuals. As a group, monsters will act intelligently as a team--for example, a monster "hunting party" with two warrior-types and a healing mage will behave like you expect: the warriors get up close and bash, the healer heals them and itself, and tries to stay far away. There are several other types that I am planning, such as a summoning team (two mages that summon minions and resurrect one another), archery units (ranged-weapon users that try to stay back and line up to hit you), and more!
Anywho, I am doing my best to get them finalized today. I have two brand new kinds of monsters that will be in the next version, too. After I get the monsters online and tested (probably end of tomorrow) I will post some screenshots and at LEAST one video. Then, I have to re-add items and it's time for pre-beta!
Re: Monsters!

Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:56 am
by Joe M.
This has taken a while, but it sounds like it's going to be great.
Re: Monsters!

Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:06 pm
by Exempt
Joe M. wrote:Awesome!
This has taken a while, but it sounds like it's going to be great.
Yeah it does.

Re: Monsters!

Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:50 pm
by Rabit561
Are all the monsters going to be in groups like that? or just certain ones? Cause I don't think all monsters should be that civilized.. just a few certain Boss mobs.
Re: Monsters!

Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:13 pm
by Karl G.
Rabit561 wrote:Are all the monsters going to be in groups like that? or just certain ones? Cause I don't think all monsters should be that civilized.. just a few certain Boss mobs.
No, not all monsters will be in groups. However, monsters aren't all just going to be dumb brutes that throw themselves straight at you and start clubbin' your head. Expect a challenge

Re: Monsters!

Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:18 pm
by Rabit561
Damn.. These fuckers better give good EXP

Re: Monsters!

Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:39 pm
by Karl G.
I have spent most of today, so far, working on how to spawn monsters. There are two types of monsters: swarming monsters and rare monsters. Swarming monsters spawn with a certain density over and over and cover regions of the map. Rare monsters only spawn at defined locations, and do so more slowly. They can also have limitations such as only a given number existing in the world at a time, etc...
I should be able to finish up and test some basic melee swarming monsters today!
Re: Monsters!

Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:49 pm
by iprogz
would like to know if melee or spells has been introduced into the game yet or not because im having a little trouble attacking them but they can attack me also the movement is still a bit glitchy which leads me to belive that attack run will be a little bit difficult to program into the game. as to the glitch with the attack run i suggest you inquire to ej about how he set it up im sure he would provide some information on how he was able to make it stable. ttyl -steveo
Re: Monsters!

Tue Dec 30, 2008 3:02 pm
by Joe M.
Yes, both melee and spells currently exist in the game. To attack, left-click your target. Press 'k' to access the keys menu and set hotkeys. Beware that the default system keys (stats, drop, keys, bazaar, &c.) currently reset upon log-out.
Movement has been fixed for the coming update.
Re: Monsters!

Tue Dec 30, 2008 3:11 pm
by Rabit561
iprogz wrote:would like to know if melee or spells has been introduced into the game yet or not because im having a little trouble attacking them but they can attack me also the movement is still a bit glitchy which leads me to belive that attack run will be a little bit difficult to program into the game. as to the glitch with the attack run i suggest you inquire to ej about how he set it up im sure he would provide some information on how he was able to make it stable. ttyl -steveo
I think he thinks that Karl will have a very hard time scripting an run+attack skill..

You should give Karl a little more credit man.. look at what he's done so far

Re: Monsters!

Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:20 pm
by Karl G.
As Joe mentioned, movement has been significantly smoothed next update and implementing an attack-run should be no problem.
That reminds me, I wanted mention another fighter skill that I had been toying with. It's not polished right now, but I think it will be cool: battle charge. You put up your shield in front of you, and bash through monsters/players, pushing them to the side--or backward--as you run.
A second one that I am planning is to make the whirlwind attack a bit more interesting: timing it correctly can deflect projectiles.
There are a lot more, but
Rabit561 wrote:You should give Karl a little more credit man.. look at what he's done so far

Just wait for the next update ... !