Leveling in Evidyon (Discussion)

First off let me say that I know it's a little early to be anticipating how Evidyon's leveling system will look like at a more mature and completed stage, but that also makes it a great time for us alpha-testers (or anyone reading this for that matter) to offer some ideas and suggestions for Karl to consider!
The purpose of this thread isn't to ask for a mob north of spawn to give more exp or for warlocks to get fireball at level6, but rather to think in broader terms. What did you enjoy about leveling in Xenimus?
Here are some questions that might help get things started, feel free to answer any of these if you'd like, or share your opinion on the subject. And hey, if you think the Xenimus system is perfect the way it is then that's fine too!
Think of other RPGs you've played, from click-based to MMORPGs, what were some features you liked that you think would make leveling more interesting?
Be creative, you never know when a little idea could become a great idea!
The purpose of this thread isn't to ask for a mob north of spawn to give more exp or for warlocks to get fireball at level6, but rather to think in broader terms. What did you enjoy about leveling in Xenimus?
Here are some questions that might help get things started, feel free to answer any of these if you'd like, or share your opinion on the subject. And hey, if you think the Xenimus system is perfect the way it is then that's fine too!
- Did you like the challenge of exponential exp growth at higher levels (from 10mil to 25mil) or did it discourage you?
Do you wish there was more to leveling than just spamming AOEs, healing, transing, and collecting loot?
Would you rather take on mobs or take on a skilled monster/boss 1v1 if the rate of exp gain was relatively the same?
Did you like getting only 1 stat point on level up?
Did it bother you that you could only efficiently level playing by yourself rather than in a group?
Should quests be a viable alternative to grinding?
Should you get exp from killing other players?
What could be some other methods to gaining exp aside from killing/questing?
Should there be consumables or some form of temporary exp boosts?
Think of other RPGs you've played, from click-based to MMORPGs, what were some features you liked that you think would make leveling more interesting?
Be creative, you never know when a little idea could become a great idea!