Game Content: NPC's

We need a list of all NPC's that will be in the game, along with XP value, gear drop scale, Magic/Physical Damage, Magic/Physical Damage Type, Gear used, etc
* Chicken - Usually found around buildings in towns. Wont attack unless you attack first.
* Giant Bug - Monster found in and around towns and in wooded areas. They won't attack you unless you attack first.
* Hawk
* Scorpion - Found in dungeons. Attacks with it's stinger, and poisons.
* Small Spider - Found in dungeons. Bites to attack.
* Black Spider - Found in dungeons. Also bites to attack, but poisons when it's hits connect.
* Wolf - Found in forests, often in groups. Bites to attack.
Forest Enemies
* Barbarian - Low level monster, slightly harder than rogue, found deeper in the woods. High level versions of this monster can be found in the dungeon server. Other Variants: Barbarian Lord
* Dragon - A rare monster that fly around the Xenimus. Makes a loud noise when flies nearby. Wont attack unless attacked first.
* Imp - Low level monster found around the towns
* Minotaur
* Ogre
* Orc
* Rogue - Lower level monster that roams near most newbie areas.
* Thief - Archer monster. Usually found in dungeons, but are also in more remote wooded areas.
* Troll - Low level monster found near towns and in wooded areas and camps. Other variants: Troll Warlock, Troll King
Magic Enemies
* Daemon Animus - Sees invisible form. Attacks with it's fist and the spell Multi Nex. The ones that glow red cannot attack gas form.
* High Priest - Rare monster found on dungeon server. Sees invisible form. Will dispell gas form. Casts high level extrudere (egg) for protection. Attacks with acid sword and Beam. Very difficult to kill.
* Master Warlock - Sees invisible form. Will dispell gas form. Attacks with Flamma Ventus and Fulgur. Other variants: Super Warlock
* Skeleton Warlock
* Super Warlock
* Warlock/Witch - Magic using monster. Casts Adgredi and Flamma Ventus.
* Wizard - Magic using monster. Casts Ignis and Flamma Ventus.
* Wizard Adept - Sees invisible form. Will dispell gas form. Attacks with Glacialis Ventus and Radius.
Dungeon Enemies
* Calvaria - Found in dungeons. This floating skull will dispell gas form and casts stupify and Adgredi.
* Daemon - Sees invisible form. Attacks with it's fist.
* Hell Hound
* Hell Knight - Found in various locations throughout game. Sees invisible and gas form. Attacks with Giant sword and spin attack. Uses white and red potions. Has higher health than most monsters.
* Mummy - Found in dungeons. Attacks with its fist, very slow moving.
* Mystic Barbarian
* Pix Daemon - Sees invisible form. Attacks with it's fist.
* Skeleton - Found in graveyards and dungeons. Other variants: Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Darkwar, Skeleton Priest, Skeleton Warlock
* Skeleton Warrior
* Volucris - Attacks with it's fist. Will lunge (attack run) at you.
* Warrior - Often guards important locations. Sees invisible form. Attacks with dragon sword. Uses white and red potions.
* Scallion- Rare monster found on dungeon server. Sees invisible form. Will dispell gas form. Attacks either with fists, or Beam and flamma ventus together.
* Enchantress- Very difficult monster, found deep in the dungeon server. Sees invisible form. Dispells both gas form and red potions. Casts high-level egg shell for protection. Attacks with Beam and its fire staff. Take care when fighting these monsters.
* Fire Daemon
* Lava Imp - These monsters live in various lava areas and are often found in very large groups.
* Stone Elemental - When one of these is nearby, you will know; they make a loud noise as they walk. Quite tough.
* Chicken - Usually found around buildings in towns. Wont attack unless you attack first.
* Giant Bug - Monster found in and around towns and in wooded areas. They won't attack you unless you attack first.
* Hawk
* Scorpion - Found in dungeons. Attacks with it's stinger, and poisons.
* Small Spider - Found in dungeons. Bites to attack.
* Black Spider - Found in dungeons. Also bites to attack, but poisons when it's hits connect.
* Wolf - Found in forests, often in groups. Bites to attack.
Forest Enemies
* Barbarian - Low level monster, slightly harder than rogue, found deeper in the woods. High level versions of this monster can be found in the dungeon server. Other Variants: Barbarian Lord
* Dragon - A rare monster that fly around the Xenimus. Makes a loud noise when flies nearby. Wont attack unless attacked first.
* Imp - Low level monster found around the towns
* Minotaur
* Ogre
* Orc
* Rogue - Lower level monster that roams near most newbie areas.
* Thief - Archer monster. Usually found in dungeons, but are also in more remote wooded areas.
* Troll - Low level monster found near towns and in wooded areas and camps. Other variants: Troll Warlock, Troll King
Magic Enemies
* Daemon Animus - Sees invisible form. Attacks with it's fist and the spell Multi Nex. The ones that glow red cannot attack gas form.
* High Priest - Rare monster found on dungeon server. Sees invisible form. Will dispell gas form. Casts high level extrudere (egg) for protection. Attacks with acid sword and Beam. Very difficult to kill.
* Master Warlock - Sees invisible form. Will dispell gas form. Attacks with Flamma Ventus and Fulgur. Other variants: Super Warlock
* Skeleton Warlock
* Super Warlock
* Warlock/Witch - Magic using monster. Casts Adgredi and Flamma Ventus.
* Wizard - Magic using monster. Casts Ignis and Flamma Ventus.
* Wizard Adept - Sees invisible form. Will dispell gas form. Attacks with Glacialis Ventus and Radius.
Dungeon Enemies
* Calvaria - Found in dungeons. This floating skull will dispell gas form and casts stupify and Adgredi.
* Daemon - Sees invisible form. Attacks with it's fist.
* Hell Hound
* Hell Knight - Found in various locations throughout game. Sees invisible and gas form. Attacks with Giant sword and spin attack. Uses white and red potions. Has higher health than most monsters.
* Mummy - Found in dungeons. Attacks with its fist, very slow moving.
* Mystic Barbarian
* Pix Daemon - Sees invisible form. Attacks with it's fist.
* Skeleton - Found in graveyards and dungeons. Other variants: Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Darkwar, Skeleton Priest, Skeleton Warlock
* Skeleton Warrior
* Volucris - Attacks with it's fist. Will lunge (attack run) at you.
* Warrior - Often guards important locations. Sees invisible form. Attacks with dragon sword. Uses white and red potions.
* Scallion- Rare monster found on dungeon server. Sees invisible form. Will dispell gas form. Attacks either with fists, or Beam and flamma ventus together.
* Enchantress- Very difficult monster, found deep in the dungeon server. Sees invisible form. Dispells both gas form and red potions. Casts high-level egg shell for protection. Attacks with Beam and its fire staff. Take care when fighting these monsters.
* Fire Daemon
* Lava Imp - These monsters live in various lava areas and are often found in very large groups.
* Stone Elemental - When one of these is nearby, you will know; they make a loud noise as they walk. Quite tough.